How long until the headaches stop

Day 4 I’m trying super hard! Everything has been ok today. No craving. Just this headache!! How long do they last when coming off liquor?

I’m sure it’s different for everyone but I had headaches the first couple of weeks; maybe as long as into the third week.

It’s possible the headaches had nothing to do with sobriety but there wasn’t anything else I could attribute them too. I wasn’t sick or anything. Try to stay hydrated with lots of water!


Keep up the good work. The first few days suck but every day gets easier than the last one. And stay hydrated - we’re all dehydrated but especially when newly sober

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When we stop banging our heads against the wall.


I feel your pain. You may have different side effects as you detox. Take care of yourself and know it will get better with time.

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