How many days, months, or years have you been clean and sober?

This is officially the longest period I’ve gone without a drink since I started drinking regularly at age 18 (last was 46 days). I’m 42. Monday, Jan 1, 2018 will be day 50. I feel it’s serendipitous and motivating and I’m looking forward to ringing in the new year with my mug of ginger and cinnamon tea. I am overjoyed how productive, energetic, sharp, and generally happy I feel. I hate to dwell on the time and money wasted, not to mention the attendant drama, but WHY do I keep falling off the wagon when being on it feels so damn good??! :thinking:


56 days sober. I thought I was going to die a drunk. I’m now filled with hope


7 days in a few hours :grin:
Which it will be new years eve. Almost considered giving in tomorrow evening and resetting the sober clock afterwards, but I think ill keep my chin up. Jesus take the wheel on that one and give me strength :no_mouth:

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An unusual amount of things fucked up over the holidays but I’m still here with 30 days from pot, 24 from alcohol and I’ll have a year by the end of January from everything else!

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30 days sober and loving life!!!


3 months, 19 days and 10 hours


55 Days today!!! Feel amazing!


Almost 29 days :grin:


I’m 19 days just back from a backwards step was 110 days :cry:

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focus on the 110 days of sobriety you had before your slip. Shit happens but don’t let it take away from all the positive choices you made prior. You’re back it at and that’s what matters!


I’m trying to figure out how to post reply to the overall post. Hopefully this is right. I’ve been struggling because I’ve been doing well, 20 days sober, but I always take out money in cash in general to keep on hand. My parents believe that everytime I take money out instead of swiping my card, that I’m taking money out so they don’t see in using it to buy alcohol. But in the past 20 days that hasn’t been the case. I don’t know how to convince them. I take money out for things like paying the neighbor kids to take my dog out when they get home from school if I’m working late. I live with my parents since I just graduated college but they aren’t home until about 6 or 7 at night and my dog needs to go out before then. How do I prove to my parents I’m sober now and I’m using the money I take put of my account for good reasons and gain their trust? Because every time I take money out they assume the worst and say they are cutting me off or don’t believe me. I don’t know what to do anymore

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Receipts, time, and hang out with your parents a lot to slowly gain their trust back. Just absolutely don’t lie. The way I see it as long as I don’t drink or lie I don’t REALLY need to feel so guilty. And don’t be embarrassed about keeping receipts it gets easy.

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Day 1 today! Lol :slight_smile: 17 hours to be exact :slight_smile:


Almost 3 months!

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I cant wat to do 3 days. That wud then be my longest time spent sober. Sounds so pathetic :confused: lol


I have 40 days clean today :heart:

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As an addict every single day sober is a fan blessing and a HUGE accomplishment… one day or a hundred days it doesn’t matter either way be proud of yourself for every single day you make it. Before you know it you’ll have 100 days or Hell year just stay positive and focus on today and remind yourself that you are worth it. And how great that end result is going to be and how much better you are going to fill when you are sober. I have 55 days and honestly for 4 years I couldn’t ever make it past 1 but I wish I would have gave my self this chance of long time ago because I feel better than I ever have. Congratulations on a day sober and remember tomorrow you’ll have two!!!

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It’s a good budgeting tool. Take the cash you need and put it in envelopes labeled for each purpose. Food. Gas. Dog walker. Write the date and amount you deposit in the envelope. When you take out, write the amount and balance, like you would a check book. Put the change and the reciept in the envelope. Do this and you will be able to account for every single penny at any given time.
Being this nitnoid about it will demonstrate responsibility, and will build trust.

7 Days and feeling good.

I’m on 22 hours. Almost a full day
It feels lile its getting harder every minute. I’m scared i change to my other self and just do it eventhough i dont want to

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