How many days, months, or years have you been clean and sober?

3 days so far… going to surpass my previous record of 9 months!

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Well hun just focus on all the benefits of getting sober!! Think of the life you will have if you continue down that wrong path vs the life you can have sober!! Write it all down and remind yourself of the life you DO NOT want to have! Stay positive and know you are worth it and you CAN DO IT

Thanks heaps @Cassie.Sullivan. I’m on 1 day 17 hours now. 7 hours to get to 2 days. I want it so bad. Thanks for your support :slight_smile:

That is awesome!! Those first days are sooooo hard but worth every minute! I never thought I’d reach day 3 amd here I am almost to day 60 and everyday is a blessing! Its gets easier! Lean on your support go to meetings find a sponsor and reach out when you want to relapse! If you need someone to talk to don’t be afraid to reach out to me as well! Having a support system helps!!

That means heaps. I’m so grateful to have his app that allows so much encouragement. I think i can actually do it this time. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Yeah, totally

Reached 90 days alcohol free this morning.
Love how my app now shows me that I’m half the way to my next goal: half a year.
Patting myself on the back, as this 90 days is not the first time, but will be the last time. Knowing what I do now keeps me focussed. Not so much a goal as it is my life. Smiles all around.

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Twenty eight.

68 days sober and counting, I still have my hard days but I am staying clean.


Huge congrats 2 U and looking forward to the feeling of hitting that 90!

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114 days no heroin… After 10 years of using. I’ve never made it this long. Didn’t think it was possible. I feel amazing but I feel like I’m losing focus. Need to buckle down and put more energy into my program. But I feel like it does me good to talk about where I’m at.


I am 6.90 months sober as of right now. I was sober for almost 3 years before the last relapse. I feel like this was the most pleasant six months of sobriety I have ever went through. I am sick of being the “chronic relapser”! Some of my friends I sobered up with have ten years sober. Sometimes I feel like people are just waiting for me to relapse again. It really sucks to suc!


33 days! It’s not always easy but I’m glad I made a change.

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Congrats on 6.9 months man!! That’s failing forward if I’ve ever seen it. Can’t dwell on what “could” have been. You’re still going strong, that’s an inspiration to all of us in the early days.


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1 week in 2 hours… So psyched. Alcohol killed my dad, brother and nephew (28 yrs old)… Naltrexone works so far.


Only 14 days clean from heroin as well. i usually would have relapsed way before now… your doing amazing im hoping to be where you are soon enough…

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Awesome. That’s a huge milestone. Keep up the good work…the second week seemed to pass pretty quick for me.

121 days of soberity


Still sleeping like :poop: but I’ll take my small victories as they come. 15 days and counting. Hope everyone has a good day.


Well done. Way to go

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