Just wondering how much money per day everyone is spending and if it’s starting to add up now that you’re not spending it…
My money savings is at 640 dollars for 39 days sober. That doesn’t even include all the free booze i used to get from working in a liquor store. Too bad i don’t have a job to actually see this money but I am glad I quit the job and that i am sober.
Saved about R3000 since 1st of Nov.
On average I spent around £10 a day, stopped 4 and half months ago, saved 1,400 pounds, pity I never saved it up as this amount could of sorted Christmas out
My husband and I both are both booze addict’s. I’m the only one quiting and he’s just cutting back. I’d guess my habit alone averaged about $10 a day and probably more on the weekend. I’m going to save the money and on my 90 days I’m going to spend it on family pictures
$595.00 in 49 days saved.
This includes cigarettes and booze.
I’m at a little over $500 on day 16 1/2. In a year I will have saved enough money for one term of acupuncture school. The $500 doesn’t include all the alcohol my boyfriend would treat me to and all the free drinks I would get from friends. It was actually really rare if I personally spent any money on alcohol. But if I factored in what my boyfriend and friends spent on me, it would be significantly greater than the number above.
Well my problem is gambling…on a good day I would lose $20 on a bad day $400