How old is everyone here?

Thank you so much! Congrats to you, too. I’m from the USA. I’m on the East Coast in a town with a major food and bev industry. I also hear it being talked about quite a lot, even at work. It’s an extremely toxic environment but I’m doing my best haha.


That would actually be amazing. Thank you! That’s so nice. I didn’t know those existed.

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No worries homie, let me know when you wanna join a CA or a NA meeting together :slight_smile:

Hey all. Late to the party.
64 here.
I managed my booze since I was 15. Or maybe my booze managed me :thinking: did all the common regular drugs in the late 70’s and 80’s. Got married started a family gave up everything but the pot and booze. Eventually gave up the pot too. You guys don’t call it pot anymore do ya :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Anyway…… My first post here on my sober date, 01/02/2020, that I will protect at all cost said. “Fat drunk and hungover is no way to go through my bronze years.” I’ve never had just one in my whole life. There is no reason to think I ever can.

After 4 years of sobriety I’m finally going to AA meetings. Not because I might drink. Because “I’m not drinking today. And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.” But because I’m afraid of a lot of things now. I have a lot of fears. I need to learn how to act without my liquid courage. And I can’t think of a better place with a better bunch of people to learn than an AA meeting where I know I’m not alone.
That’s for reading me.


When it comes to substance abuse, 18-year-olds are met with less surprise from society and more reinforcement from their peers. 80-year-olds experience a much different social effect. Both may realize the problem, but the latter tends to be more alienated, stigmatized, and under more pressure to address the problem.

But there’s a ton of other factors other than just who is seeking help, it’s impossible to really glean anything other than an amorphous blob of correlations. Younger people may look for help in different places. Their support networks in real life tend to look different. Maybe they are here but less vocal, or tend not to reveal their age.

Anyways, I think the more you get used to bonding with and having peers of different ages, the less you’ll find age makes much of a difference. A workout at the gym, a relative’s birthday, a stressful job, a good meal, a bad memory — most life experiences are pretty relatable across age.

On the partner thing specifically: it’s such a diverse relationship, there are often aspects to relate to even if the situation on a whole cannot be.

Maybe the part that is most relevant to the conversation in one particular post is that they are a roommate that the poster has history with. Or maybe the most relevant part is that they have a romantic relationship. Or a sexual one. Or maybe they’re best friends, or maybe they don’t actually feel like they know each other very well. Or maybe one of coworkers, either literally or metaphorically in the sense of running a household together. My point is, when someone mentions a partner, it doesn’t necessarily tell me anything about whether or not I can relate to that person.

Tangent reply to your tangent: this is visibility, not prevalence. Porn is more popular than cocaine, but you don’t see it at every party.

(I’ve also never seen cocaine at a party. It varies more by social circle than by decade)

Aaannywho… I’m in my early 30’s. I was barely 27 when I joined TS so not that different from your situation :smile:


That’s some big :brain: insight, thanks homie :smiley: I haven’t read it all just yet cuz I’m waiting for my sponsor to call me right now, but I’ll make sure to really read it shortly.

You always have really great insight, thanks :slight_smile:

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Shit man you’re kinda up there…:joy:


36? Idk lol ive claimed 27 for too long i forgot

I started dabbling in pot cigarettes and booze at 14. And boy was it off to the races. I would hang out at a grungy bowling alley/bar/concert venue on the weekends and get wasted. One particular night i drank way too much everclear and scared the shit outta my friend who stayed up all night to make sure i didnt stop breathing. And i downplayed my drinking, my partying, and risky behaviors for 20 years. Fuck at 34 i decided nows a good time to change. I started drinking even when i didnt want to and it stopped being fun but more of a requirement.

I was hopeless and desperate and i found an online friend who gently encourage me to join him in a zoom aa meeting. Started trying in person meetings and found hope, Joyous laughter and a life without alcohol and drugs. I didnt admit i was an alcoholic for awhile. Started a thread about it

It hasnt been easy but hot damn its been worth it. I know a joy and peace i havent known before. I feel connected and present in my life. Im curious and adventurous again.

Gone are the days of the addiction cycle as long as i work my program of recovery daily.


Hmm 52 and have to be careful of standing on my own nuts :joy: when i walk , age creeps up on you :flushed:


I was skateboarding today


60…Sk8 DNTH8


Hey, you’re 60 and sober… and so you should skateboard! :smile:

I’m nearly 54 and still made a few good snow angels this winter… they turn out so much better in sobriety! :sweat_smile: :see_no_evil:


Started drinking at 14. I quit for the first time at 33 for 1 ½ years. Then again at 43 with mixed results. 53 now and I’ve been completely sober for three years next month with no plans of ever drinking again.


I claimed 29 the past 5 years :laughing:


43 years old a few weeks back. Been a drinker since a kid and currently starting my 4th day sober.

Weirdly I always told myself I’d stop drinking when some sort of medical issue came up on the back of it. I think that was just an excuse to keep drinking. Feeling tired but ahead of the game right now.


I’m 21, turning 22. So no you’re not the only young person here for sure. And you should be proud that you chose sober life so early in your life! I’ll be rooting for you


I’m 43 and became an addict as a teenager and had been struggling with addiction most of my life until recently. I did dabble with most things when I was young but alcohol is what stayed with me. I’m glad you’re realizing at a young age how bad these things are for you. You’ll have a healthier life this way. :muscle:


38, clean and sober at 32. Currently taking a 20 year old through the steps and a man much older than me took me through them.

Doesn’t matter your age. Addiction doesn’t give a fuck.


40 years old but I think I’m 15 mentally :sweat_smile::upside_down_face:


I’m 58. Started drinking at the age of 35. Smoking since I was 13. Since 20 years vaping.