How sobriety has changed my life

Hi Everyone…my name is Caroline. I have been sober for 4 months and 26 days.

All began when I was 16 and pregnant…my life started to spiral out of control the day I found out my mom was murdered or so they say a freak accident one month before I had my baby. After my mom passed away I had to help my father take care of my 4 younger siblings…and take care of my baby as well. That’s when I started drinking…couldn’t handle not knowing what happen to my mom. Still no answers till this day. When my son was 1, 16 years ago I met the love of my life…been together 16 years now. Helped me take care of my son. Have three boys with him now. All my boys goin to school. I finally made the decision to quit drinking June 10, 2016. Struggle after struggle. One day at a time. I decided to go back to school myself. I’m am 35 years old and My progress report is at a 90% average gpa of 4.00. 100% in pre Calculus math, 98% in Biology12, 81% in English12, and 79% on First People’s English12. I must say I am very proud of myself. But the struggle of sobriety has surfaced up why I started drinking in the first place. My cousin…couple years ago…was trying to stay sober but was far too gone…although he was sober for couple weeks from alcohol…his withdrawals got to him…his mom…my aunt passed away few years prior to this…my cousin was hallucinating…through his withdrawals…kept saying someone was after him…got out of jail one night and straight across the jail was CDN tire store…he grabbed a box cutter knife from one of the aisles and slashed his throat there. Just moments before this happened I was there getting an oil change. Why did I leave? Idk but I wa heartbroken. Saddened by this…has me crying everyday for my family. :broken_heart:


Wow @SweetCaroline81 your story touch my heart, all the things you going trough move me. Your still got some in your life as your kids , hubby thoose are Worth to stay on the path for… and for yourself as well of course ! Addiction tears life up side down and Split things apart in every way . U cant blame yourself . Remember to focus on what u can change .congrats on your sobrierty

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Thank you @Cobaltchris for your kind words. Means a lot. Been a tough road for me. :heart:

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Anytime :slight_smile: remember in everything you do, you got the power to choose. Thats a Great gift .you hold the power of your life. Love life and life will love you back :heart:

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“If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it—then I can achieve it."

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Way to go @SweetCaroline81 yout are in charge

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