How to deal with Drunks?

I will be on the other side of the coin, so im just wondering how do you deal with social occasions and when people start getting loud and tipsy? I’ve avoided it for a month, but i’d like to go out and social again.

Hmm, perhaps you shouldn’t go to a place where you expect there to be a lot of drunks the first time you go out and social after being clean. Ease into it.

As for the drunks, just ignore them. Let them do their own thing. Don’t get too involved or you might get sucked back in.

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i’m not to phased about them drinking, but i have noticed the topics start to become pointless and i’ll just get irritated.

So i’m in two minds of going or not - i think it would be a good test though - i know i wont drink that’s one thing i know for sure.

We don’t go out, but my husband’s family comes to visit us at our house and they all drink. I put limitations on what they can have here though because I already have 2 kids…I don’t need 6 kids in my house…but when they pass over to the drunk side they get loud, disturb my neighbors and pick on me because I refuse to drink with them or about other stuff and it just causes fights. Due to last time they were here, I put a lot of them in their place and now his dad respects me more in my home. Since the drinking and socializing only happen in my home I took control and limited them to an amount that allows them to drink but not get drunk…


@Krystalbetts Girl I wouldn’t even let them drink if they act that way!! You definitely don’t deserve to be treated that way and especially in your own home!!

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@wakfers just stay away from them socialize elsewhere you don’t need that environment in your life and if you are trying not to drink that’s just like trying to tempt yourself…

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I feel the same way. The downside is my husband wont back me up when it comes to his family, so I’ve had to try to come up with a happy medium. When I found out my family was talking crap behind his back, I dropped them. He just won’t do the same for me so I’ve had to be the one defending myself. The thing that I have learned about my husband in the past 4 years is that he wont defend anyone and he will let anyone walk all over him. I have to have the backbone and defend hhim and myself. For example, he had a recent falling out with a boss that humiliated him in front of the entire staff and I had to step in, get involved with the boss (especially after she showed up at my house to hunt him down) and get him to quit and find another job so he wasn’t stuck in the same environment. He was thankful and appreciative for me standing up for him, but he didn’t stick up for me when the boss then began harassing me. It’s the same with his family.

One big tip I would suggest is getting a soda water with lime to sip on. Not only do you have a drink, but it is much easier and quicker then constantly telling people you quit drinking. Misery loves company and do some “friends” might even try to get you to drink. They will not bother if you have a drink in your hand. Thats half the battle. The other half is remember that a conversation takes two people. If you don’t like the subject, don’t participate. Nothing rude about not saying anything and walking away. I do it all the time. Funny now because think I am smarter, because I talk less. Go figure

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I can be around people Who enjoy a beer or 2 . But when it comes to drunkfolks i try my best to avoid them if they get to close on me . Thoose Who know me and my point of wiew and im alcoholic do respect me . It really should be respect both ways if not im out from the social .

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