How to deal with it?

Never seen that one Before thanks alot❤


I have not found myself able to do meditation. Have tried on youtube to find a guided meditations but i cant seem to focus. :heart: thanks alot for your ideas​:heart:

Thanks for taking the time to read and answer me, i think its seems like meditation or something like it helps others, so maybe i should give it another go :heart::heart:


Maybe search YouTube (or wherever) for Mindfulness. I find it easier than meditation.


Ohh okay - with the chance of being wierd as stupid. I actually thought it was the same :joy: :joy: :joy: :see_no_evil:

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Try searching on Youtube for “meditation for anxiety” or “meditation for relaxation” - guided meditations can be a good place to start. You just need to sit and listen. :bird:

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Try Jason Stephenson on YouTube he’s great


I have one that may be hard for me to transfer to you via typing, but here goes… Pick a wall in your space that is without doorways, pictures, etc. Sit facing the wall. Lay back and scoot your butt toward the wall with legs up. Get your butt as close to the wall as you can with legs resting straight up on the wall so you form the letter L with your body. Keep your legs straight yet fully relax your legs so they slide down the wall making a V with your legs. Don’t force a stretch but allow it to happen naturally. Take time in this position fully relaxed with eyes closed and arms comfortable to your side. It is best if you have a comfortable and quiet place while you do this. Maybe add relaxation music (youtube), dim the lights. This is something we did in a yoga class and I can’t say exactly why, but I felt incredibly relaxed both during and after.


Your not alone, I suck at meditation, then someone said to me it doesn’t have to be sitting and listening to a guided meditation in a yoga position with insence burning (excuse the stereotype) it can be talking a walk and just focusing on the noises you can here, the birds, the breeze, a train in the distance. I found this much easier and it’s more about giving your brain a rest, especially in the beginning as I struggled to sit still for more than 5 minutes :wink:


Thank you very much :heart: . I will indeed give it ago, i think you described it very well :slightly_smiling_face:.

Yes im excatly the same find it hard to sit still for a long time. But maybe it need a bit of practice, it can also be that im getting to overwealmed by not doing anything and all the thoughts. But i will give it ago and see if i keep doing it will help a bit or alot :heart::heart: thanks for your answer :slightly_smiling_face:


Guided Meditation here too. There are some meditation apps out there. Everyone’s mind wanders in the beginning during meditation, mine still does after many years. I’ve somehow learned to let it wander and then bring it back to focusing on my breathing. I searched for a voice I could listen too. Not all voices were pleasing to me. I love guided mindfulness by Richard Burr. He works with Alcoholics real nice guy. He was on iTunes. The mans voice is very soothing.

I also like walking very hard long and fast with some good tunes on.

And I work out at the gym whenever possible. I do it a lot now that I’m 16 days clean.

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I like this 5 4 3 2 1 grounding exercise. It’s short and sweet. There are many variations of it if you google 54321 grounding exercises.



Oh I just remembered an easier grounding type of meditation. You can do it from anywhere. Not while your driving.
It’s another 5 4 3 2 1 grounding thingy.
Wherever your sitting. Focus straight ahead.
Slowly and softly say 5 things u see
Slowly and softly say 5 things you hear
Slowly and softly say 4 things you feel.
Then say slowly and softly 4 things u see
4 things you hear
4 things u feel
3 things u see

For me right now. I see the fireplace. I see the dog. I see some books I see the dog bed. I see blue
I hear the dog snoring. I hear the noise the fireplace makes. I hear the dog snoring. I hear the ringing in my ears. I hear the heater. (It’s ok to repeat)
I feel my heels on the bed. I feel the covers on my legs. I feel the tightness in my right leg. I feel my glasses on my nose. I feel my eyes scrunched up writing this.
Then do it again SLOWLY listing 4 of each.
Then do it again SLOWLY listing 3 of each
Then SLOWLY 2 then SLOWY just 1 of each.
Practice. It works.
Sorry to be pushing the meditation on you so much but I had a hard time with it in the beginning too and I kept looking and finally found some I could do. It’s really helpful.
Just trying to help.


I’m on day 7 today and felt very anxious last night for the first time this week, however I did drink too much coffee and coke so my caffeine intake was higher than usual. I was home I just made myself comfortable on the sofa and put on a movie, I just reminded myself the feeling would pass and that I’ve felt like this a million times before, and just had to ride it out, I went to sleep still anxious but have just woke up and the feeling have subsided. I know how you feel, the symptoms are very uncomfortable :+1::raised_hands: keep going


Thank you very much for taking the time to reply such a long message. I will do it to night Maybe try it a week or two, maybe i just didnt gave it enough time to settle. Thansk alot​:heart: :hugs:

Thanks alot i will. I know anxeity is much worse when being influnced by alcohol. So this is for sure a lot better, but our minds tends to forget that sometimes :hugs:

My pleasure. Good luck. There’s just so many benefits if you find the right one for u. :pray::heart:

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I am a huge fan of guided meditations. Jason Stephenson on YouTube has so many wonderful sleep ones. As does Lauren Fenton Ostrowski.

Right now I am obsessed with Sarah Blondin and listening to her meditations on life…so very healing for me. Here are some…

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Thank you very much :heart: good to get some names on some good ones to search for, cause there is tons on Youtube :joy:

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