How to deal with loneliness

I am 26. I had a cell phone when I started high school. They have ruined us. I hate social media as well. I am grateful I got to enjoy my childhood without all of this bullshit kids have now. I would’ve been pissed too.

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Even though I am able to go on the weekends I haven’t been going. Maybe it’s just an excuse but I am really not ready to speak and my sponsor kind of made me feel as though I should. She said it without saying it. Then again that was probably my anxiety talking. I want to start going to the gym and stuff but I dont have time. Again. Probably just an excuse. Lol. What is it about phones that you fear? I know this is an ignorant question.

I live on the coast of California I’ve been hiking a lot and enjoying nature. Instead of feeling lonely I feel fulfilled Within Myself.


I love to go to the mountains when I am able to. It really puts my kind at ease and is such a spiritual sensation for me. I need to start doing on the weekends.


I just get nervous md anxious talking on the phone, which is bizarre, because when I was young, it is all I did (back when you dialed a phone that was connected to a wall). :blush:

I think you may have made your own assumption about what your sponsor wanted. You do not need to talk if you do not want to. And you may want to give those weekend meetings some more visits. I bet they would help you feel a little lighter.

You can be alone in your loneliness, or seek solace in solitude. The difference is attitude, the choice of which is 100% yours.