How to get through the weekend

How do you make it through the weekend, tips or thoughts

I try to stay busy, get out and do things with the family…i live in the mountains so i try to get out on the trails or fish, anything away from the typical norm of what i used to do…bars, restaurants, etc…when i am at home i try to keep busy around the house, cleaning, reading, working out…anything to keep my mind on the positive.


Every day is like the weekend for me (which is NOT as great as it sounds), so I’m with @Rikk on this one.

I personally like to meet my friends - all of them know about my alcoholism. Nevertheless I think about how I really feel today. Sometimes I have a really good feeling and it is really ok to go out, sometimes I am not sure about. Or I even catch myself thinking about going out alone to any unknown bar having a Drink "incognito ".
To manage it I finally learned to be honest, and this took a long time in my case.
Actually when I feel uncertain I stay at home, even there might rise a feeling of lonlyness or anything similar. I know that such a feeling lasts for a short time… this evening at worst. And tomorrow I will continue my used acitivities like going to the gym. And it will be a great day. :muscle::slight_smile:


YaY! @Volatile and i agreed on something!

@Sumatra73 Thanks for sharing! I agree with you in being honest with ourselves. I think that’s a key factor to our sobriety! Keep up the good work. Have a blessed day! :tulip::tulip::tulip::v::v::v::rose::rose::rose::point_up::point_up::point_up::clap::clap::clap:

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Sorry, I’m known to have unpopular opinions. :smirk:

I was just being (or trying to be) funny @Volatile

I know. I’m just a serious person. :smirk: hence the smiley face, to show you i was kidding.

I guess I wouldn’t recommend it to others, but isolation works for me. Staying busy yes, but mostly in the mind. Like instead of binge-drinking I binge on Netflix or read books that keeps my mind from the wanting. It’s about avoiding triggers and for me that’s seeing all the opportunities to buy alcohol. I guess you have to do what suits your life best.

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