How to keep myself calm?

So it seems like everytime I get angry and aggressive over little things when I speak to my parents especially when I am told what to do. I know I didn’t come back home completing rehab to do my will as always but how do I keep myself from doing my will? How do I not react or even overreact?

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When you find the answer lemme know I need the same help too…


Whats works for me is that i do accept things on the outside has not changed. Im doing my thing and for me its good. I do tolerate others opinion on things, sometimes im not agreed and thats ok . Change starts within


You will react or even overreact, that’s a phase you are in. Tell you’re parents and other people around you that they shouldn’t take it personal. Allow yourself to feel every emotion! Before you numbed yourself, pushed your emotions aside. Starting to feel is scary

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