How was Friday Night?

How was everyone’s Friday night ? I know for me Friday night has mostly been in my life for getting "Blown out " and trying to forget all the things that happened during the week. Now things are so much better. Just wanted to see how my TS family is doing out there. Especially us newer members !!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Sending lots of Hope and Love to everyone. One Day at a Time !!!


We had a taco and karaoke party for the March birthdays in our family. Kids, tacos, cake, and no alcohol. It was fun, messy, loud and entertaining. Good food, good times, good memories! :taco: :microphone: :partying_face: :birthday:


I’m a server and I usually work double shifts on the weekends, so that helps keep me busy and not thinking about drinking. We do serve alcohol though, so sometimes I think about how nice it would be to have a beer after work. I’ve told the coworkers I’m close to that I’m not drinking anymore though, so that’s been helpful. I used to leave work and head to one of the bars within walking distance, but now I clock out and go straight home! It’s hard sometimes but I just keep telling myself that nothing is more important than my sobriety.


Mine was awesome! I finished crab season, have a pocket full of cash, and I came home and fell asleep early. Now I’m up early and hangover free, feeling really good about myself. I did the impossible for the third time. I stayed sober through crab season. Start to finish! :muscle:


I took myself to a theater where it would have been easy to drink but ate a lot of fancy popcorn and bottomless root beer instead. I paid attention to the movie and came out with a better critique!

Love watching movies at the theater and might get a season pass some months so I have an excuse to focus and get out of the house! Much better than dissociating drunk to a tv show in the background.


There is a thread for friday - check it out!

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More of a Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday morning person. Friday night was good though! Sober and present.


Oh man, Alive, I can’t say I loved it but its a great movie and story!

I cleaned my place last night and watched tv, a clean home with a cup of coffee, Happy Saturday everyone :heart::coffee:


That is a very positive and kind message.

Thank you
I was in bed asleep before 9, up at five for exercise and then spent half hour cleaning up after dogs!!!

Life is bliss without the gripping hand of alcohol around my neck.

Love to all


Also, you don’t want to earn money and put it straight back into the cash register!!


Go Gogglebox!!

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It was OK altho I’m going through a bi polar depression so it’s very hard right now for me in general, but haven’t hit the bottle I’m very proud of been 8 days after a relapse recently

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@Kelwooo That’s awesome that you are back up and trying again. Many never make it back. That takes courage. Sending lots of Hope your way. Hope you start feeling better.

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Mine was decent, but even better was getting up for sunrise and sitting with a coffee chilling listening to the birds in the early morning :heart:


Woke up sober and I’m enjoying a third cup of Joe. I’ll do some quilting in a bit, my newest obsession.

Not sure if pic will upload.


Awww thank you means a lot, have a good day/evening. Kelly

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@Phoebe Wow ! That’s beautiful !