I almost did it

I was in the grocery store and i needed some Juice. I love to mix it with water so that tastes not that boring :smile:
Unfortunately the Juice is right near the wine. Yes. Bam. There i was, only 13 days in with a big fat devil not just on my shoulder but right behind me. I did not experience this feeling yet, it felt like it pulls me right back into its lap. It was an enormously strong urge to buy a bottle of wine, rush home and drink it.
But i did not! Tho i was shocked that this feeling can grow that big.
I just wanted to write this down, thanks for reading :kissing_heart:


We alcoholics are powerless over alcohol, particularly after we take that first drink. But in sobriety, we become trained to exercise choice when we are taken by surprise, as you were. And telling others about our supposed weakness, our fright, is what sets us free from it. Thanks for sharing, that was very powerful and inspired hope in me! :+1:


Well done-

I used to make excuses to go to the shop to buy alcohol

Nowadays I want to go to the shop to test myself that I won’t buy it

Keep strong


Great decision…I am avoiding the wine isles for now and look the other way!!!I am 31 days in!!Good job on staying strong!!8)


I’m reading the Naked Mind control alcohol find freedom… it attempts to work on our less conscious ideas and beliefs on alcohol like it makes us social, more funny, that we’ll miss out if we don’t drink with friends, that it’s glamorous etc… I must say I’m half way through and it’s had a positive impact. Might be worth checking out… written by a woman who had a 2 bottle of wine per night habit for years so she knows what we are going through
All the best everyone, you can do it. :blush:


Great job staying strong!!

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I’m proud of your strength and resilience. I hate that alcohol is in grocery stores and places like Walmart and target.

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Good job not giving in!!

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I have heard that’s really helpful book…seems like its time for me to read it!!8)Thank you for remind me of the title…!8)Stay focused and connected!!8)

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Great Job on staying strong!!

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I would always find an errand to run just to stop for some wine. Then would chug it all before returning home to the family. Now at times I find it hard to run errands ALONE. Some days I feel stronger then others. For now I will try changing my route or have my daughter ride with me.

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