I am free of alcohol now

Hi everyone. My name is Laura and I have been sober going on 5 months. I have only drank once in the past 8. I have overcome many things such as a DWI…jail time…countless blackouts, and almost losing my family. It has been getting easier to stay sober the longer I go, and with the help of AA. Just wanted to say hi, and good luck to you all here! It is possible to find sobriety. Don’t give up!


Hi Laura (@Petgirl),
Congratulations on your ‘going-on’ 5-months! In a way, I agree with what you’ve said about sobriety getting easier the longer I go. However, I tend to phrase that with “Sobriety is never easy; but it seems to get easier” - the longer I’m sober, the less reason I have to hit the Reset button; the longer the gap between my last drink and now, the more I have to lose (and I’m NOT talking about material things; but things of more ‘value’ to me like serenity, the absence of conflict and a more meaningful life).
And I totally agree with what you say: “It is possible to find sobriety” - but just don’t get complacent. 28 days in rehab for me may have stopped me drinking but regular (at least 3 times per week) AA meetings KEEP me stopped!
Bestest of best wishes to you… #KeepComingBack