I applied for a gym membership today!

I don’t have a car or licence so I pretty much walk everywhere, but these past 3 years of heavily drinking has destroyed my muscles and I have gained quite the stomach that I am not proud of.
Not fitting into 80% of your clothes that make me feel confident, is very sad and it is easy to spiral into a deeper depression.

So I made the first step today to not just walk to the supermarket and back with cans and heaps of different types of olives (my obbession) but to have a full body workout so I can feel confident in my shell again and regain strength.
First training session with my PT tomorrow :slight_smile:


Good for you @Priscilla! I wish you a great time working with your body - and also enjoy your olives! Your body bears the marks of your addiction, it will bear the signs of your recovery work as well. :heart:

Thank you!
I am very pumped to not feel judged for my weight because now have a clear mind.

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That’s awesome! The whole weight/body shame problem runs so deep in many ppl lives, mine included. Sobriety and the clear mind it brings gives us a chance to rise above that and treat ourselves kinder and better. :muscle: Enjoy your training session!

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Loved it! Firstly I was paired with the coolest PT with a great sense of humour.
He also informed me that he used to be a drug addict, after knowing a little bit about my past.
You would not guess it from looking at him, he is fit and healthy.

I didn’t know I had that many muscles that I didn’t use that could be developed :smiley:
Walked there with joy, walked back feeling like jelly and a sense of accomplishment :smiley: