I can’t lose her

I’ve successfully allowed alcohol take control of my life and I need to stop. My girlfriend is sober, doing great and I’m taking her down ever single night. I’m so scared to stop drinking because I have been dependent on it for years now. I need to be strong for myself but even stronger for her. I can’t lose her over this.


Hi Julie.
It’s scary yes, but you know it’s what you have to do.
Stick around on here, search any questions or concerns you may have using the magnifying glass above.
Loads of info of people’s experiences.
Relax, if your partner is sober, then you’ve got that going for you.

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It’s scary at the beginning but step by step it’s doable. Don’t focus on the far future, but on the next step. You can do this!


Welcome Julie! The hardest step to take is the first one. Coming on here can be your first step.

It’s good to want to better ourselves for those we love… But you can create a moor permanent and lasting change if you get sober because you love YOURSELF too. :purple_heart:

Just know that you deserve a good life as much as she does.


Some of us have taken very hard knocks to learn this truth: Job or no job - wife or no wife - we simply do not stop drinking so long as we place dependence upon other people ahead of dependence on God.
Burn the idea into the consciousness of every man that he can get well regardless of anyone. The only condition is that he trust in God and clean house.
Alcoholics Anonymous, page 98

You might lose your partner anyway, and sobriety can bring challenges to a relationship. As others have pointed out, placing any condition on what must happen for you to stay sober is slippery thinking. If you will stay sober to not lose her, what if she changes the way she treats you? What if she resents the time you take growing your sobriety, or expects you to contribute more financially or otherwise, to the home situation? See what I mean? Life will happen, whether you are sober or drunk. And sober is better. Way better.

Blessings on your head and blessings on your house.

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If I can, so can you. But you need to want it very bad and give it your all.
Because getting sober is hard work. Do it for yourself, you deserve the best you you can be!
You can live without alcohol, I understand it scares you.
Focus on the small steps: that’s easier. Don’t drink for today and do not think about tomorrow. Just don’t drink today: babysteps.

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