I can’t take this anymore

So pleased your getting through this I been thinking of you all weekend. I went to church yesterday to pray for everyone who suffers this terrible illness. Please keep us all updated. God bless you x

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Yes, it,s a terrible illness …maybe a lifetime


Hi I’m okay so far starting to get longer sleep time. I’m holding food down which is good staying hydrated. Been logging in to meetings 2-3 times a day.


Great job taking care of yourself @Ness.

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It does get better when I did my heroin detox I thought i was gonna die ! Your doing amazing I’m so proud of you x

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Ness…detox socks…I have almost a week but one day at a time brother. My dt’s were awful. I went through the same shit man. Shaking , sweats, vomiting food or bile In the middle of the night. Couldn’t wait for the beer store to open. I went from beer to MXD Long Island Tea 12% alcohol. I was drinking 4-8 a day. But I’m a speed drinker ya know. I was drinking like 2-3 in an hour. Got to where I was there at 7am. Just to get level for the day and stop shaking. I made the decision to quit AGAIN last Sunday when I had drank 6 MXD IN 2 HRS. pulled in my driveway and my foot slipped off the brakes and hit the gas then hit my garage! Thank God thats all I hit. Ive been drinking and drugging since I was 15-16 yrs old …im 50 almost 51 and finally decided to stop allowing alcohol to dictate and rule my life.
Stay strong and hang in there…


Detox Sucks…not socks…lol
The online meetings have helped me tremendously. My home group is hit or miss with f2f meetings. I found / told of and app called In the Rooms. Online mtgs thru out the day as well as mtgs for other habits or hangup or mental illnesses. I hope this helps Ness.
In 34 yes. I’ve been in rehab, jail, in/outpatient therapy. All thats left is to recover or DIE or wind back up jail. 2 dwi, felony possession, lots of fines and many yrs on paper. Loss of family members (tired of the lies and empty promises ; excuses…you name it) …again…its really hard someday are better than others…but as long as I don’t pick up that 1st drink…I’m good!


I owe an apology Ness. Im a real newbie here and failed to look at or read your profile. I apologize for referring to you as a male. My glass on my phone is cracked pretty bad. Please accept my apology and let’s help keep one another clean and sober.

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Since you are determined to ride this out, make it the last time you ever have to do this. Praying for you.


Trust me I have never been so ready to be sober! I’m definitely working my ass off to make this the last time


God Bless.
I’m praying for ya too.


Aw thank you I appreciate it! I’m actually feeling good today. The anxiety is still pretty bad but the physical symptoms are gone I think. I’m starting to crave lots of sugar which is hard to ball due to my physical illness


Glad you doing good today. I really can’t imagine what you’re going through. It sounds awful. I’m sure your getting tons of advice. Like they say “take want you want leave the rest.”

Here goes. I’m really finding meditation helpful. It can be overwhelming to do or even think about especially during a crisis when you probably could use it most. When I’m really troubled and can’t or won’t meditate.
I sometimes lie here on my back and deep breathe. With my eyes closed.
On a big long inhale I think or say CALM
On the big long exhale I think or say PEACEFUL
On the next big long inhale I think or say Tranquil
On the next big long exhale I think or say RELAX
Repeat as often as you’re willing.

Hope to see you around later. It’s good night for me.