I can't seem to get out of it

As of this moment I am 12 hours clean. I relapsed way worse this time, with 2 burns on my body. My forearm is completely covered in scars now. And I’ve begun working upwards of my left arm. I have a few on my upper arm and one on my shoulder that is from that relapse. I’m 15 I’m legitimately worried I’m never gonna be able to get a job. I’m worried that I’m never gonna be able to get out of this habit. I started at 12, made a year once, and relapsed again. And since then I haven’t made a month. I don’t know what to do anymore.


Is your Drug of Choice self-harm, or substance related?

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Try again. It takes more than one, two, or three tries sometimes. You only fail if you stop trying. It’s taken me a number of attempts to stop self harming as well. It’s now been well over a year since I last engaged in it, and still going strong.

Therapy helped me get through it. My doctor also prescribed me some medication to deal with my underlying mental health diagnoses that were involved. In my case I also saw a psychiatrist to get a better idea of what exactly was going on for me mentally. Talking to a parent, school counsellor, or other trusted adult about what you’re going through is a good way to start getting people on your side to help you through this.

I also learned a lot about how to stop by learning how to stop drinking. Many of the lessons learned regarding alcohol abuse also apply to self harm. Ways to resist temptation, ways to cope with the emotions instead of giving in, ways to get help and support from others. I read a lot on this forum, and I relate a lot to other people who struggle with addictions I don’t have.

Don’t worry about not being able to get a job. People have scars for a lot of different reasons, and it’s none of anyone’s business where yours are from. I’ve got obvious scars all over my arms and legs, but it hasn’t held me back at all. Not at school, not at work, not at making friends. Besides, I can’t think of a job (other than modelling) that requires you to show skin on your arms or shoulders, so whether you want to hide them or not is totally up to you. I did at first, but now I’m more comfortable with it and I don’t bother.

Do you have any supports? It’s better with help. :green_heart:


(from a previous thread)

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We are here. I know the process is painful. I am a recovering codependent and shopping addict. I have been 34 days clean from shopping/money and 3 days clean for codependency. We learn these behaviors with the circumstances we were subjected to. Trauma and all sorts. Easy does it. One day at a time.

Hey man, I was in your same boat. My addiction started when I was about 15 or 16. But that was because my parents my Drs thought I needed Xanax. Which snowballed over 5 years into heroin. Been clean for 2 years now from opiates. Now I’m just fighting everyday to learn different ways to control my anxiety and when I’m having thoughts that I don’t want. You have to go to meetings it talk to kids your own age. You can get better. What is your auction or what are you addicted to doing? It what is your obsession.

Dude. I was in the same position when i was 15. Im 17 now and things have gotten so much better, i still have a slight problem with it but im doing better. We are both so lucky that we realized we had a problem at such a young age. I will admit i did this mostly on my own for a very long time and it wasnt easy. But getting professional help will make it so much easier!
Havinf someone there makes it so much better gling through the situation at all
Hell here’s my insta hmu if u need me @Caryn_weirdflexbutok_
Rememer the stars will always be there for you. And theres always someone that loves you anf wants you in their life even if u dont think so. Youre here for a reason and youre loved. I promise.
I have relapsed over 9 times. I promise ypu can do this you can. It will all be worth it in the long run


Do your parents know? Maybe open up to them so they can help you in finding some extra help? Or if you cannot talk to your parents about it go see a trusted person at school?
I do not know much about self harm, but I know addictions florish by secrets :hugs:

Alexander I tagged you in a tread of someone who is sober from self harm more then 300 days. He offered help to others with self harm addiction so maybe he can be of help.

Self harm for me

Hi Alexander. I’m so sorry you are feeling so down.

I’m curious, do you think you’ll never be able to get a job because of your self harm…or is your self harm because you are worried you’l never be able to get a job?

If it is the former…I think you’ll be okay. I do think you’ll be surprised at how supportive people truly are. But you can always cover things up. If it is the later…take things one day at a time. I won’t say “don’t worry about that” because who am I to tell you what to worry about. But I can tell you that worrying about it is preventing you from getting through today. There is a saying…“worry about tomorrow steals the joy from today”. ALL you need to do it get through today. And then tomorrow you can do the next “today” and so on and so on. One day at a time.

Now as for getting out of this habit…again, one day at a time. I will say it loud for you to hear and feel in your heart…YOU CAN DO IT!!!