I did it guys🙌🏼

Hey everyone
I posted earlier this week about having to attend a very drinky wedding yesterday but I did it,and I had a great time,I chatted,I laughed I danced and I stayed up until 3am without one drop of alcohol and I’m so bloody proud.thanks everyone for your encouragement,it really fired me up to face it head on!


Thats awesome!! :muscle::raised_hands::slightly_smiling_face:

That is super awesome. I am so very happy for you! And…no hangover!!! :clap::clap:

That is really awesome!!! Congrats, you did it ^^ happy you had a good time :rose:

Rock on, keep on adding one more day!

Wow! Congratulations!! :facepunch:

You are a winner! Well done

Bravo! Proof now and forever that you can be sober, because you choose to be sober. You can live life, unfettered by alcohol. Keep getting better, at getting better!


So glad for you! Keep going one day at a time :grin:

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