I do it every time I'm lonely

I’m lonely in my house all alone and usually that leads me to drink. But I’ve decided drinking isn’t good for my mental health…but I’m really wanting to…and find myself forgetting why I started getting sober in the first place. Anything to get my mind off the beer sitting in my fridge?

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First off get rid of it :slight_smile:.

Do you feel you have a problem?


I was gonna ask why is there beer in the fridge.


My mental health has been much much better since I quit drinking.

Drinking is like cold miserable winter… when you quit drinking the whole world of wonderful things open up! You completely shut off the world to hibitual drinking and hangover recovery.

Throw the beer out! It serves no purpose but to enslave you.

My dad left it when he was visiting.

Call a friend while you pour it down the sink. Then wash the stink out of sink. It’s dangerous poison to you! Blessings on your house :pray:.


Ask him not to leave this in your house anymore.

First think I done is got ride of all triggers even my glass and it was present and had a lot of sentimental value.

Then people who was triggering my drinking habits, they could come back when you feel more in control of your drinking habits or why you even need somebody who tempts you to harming your health?

Some triggers was time related, had to change my time habits, gym, move, book changed it, every time when you tempts to drink use this app it helped me a lot.

To some people writing letter to themselves of why they decided to stop drinking and read it at most critical moment helped.

Sometimes my body was craving for shugars/ calories in beer especialy, I replaced it with equal amount of juice (not from concentrate).

Be strong and stay on this path, if you started it, don’t just speak act, other way it just will be another good wish!

Main think trere is no just one sip or one drink, it will always end up in relapse and you know it!

Hope it didn’t sounded ofencive or upsetting, I just try to help and would like that somebody told me that, when I were in that moment.

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