I don’t recognize my drinking as a problem

I didn’t recognize my drinking as a problem even after I ripped my head open, broke my neck and ended up ina hospital after a bender.

It took a cancer diagnosis to force me to quit. I’ve been sober now for nearly 3 years. Every day is a struggle but hang in there. This forum is a great support group.

All the best.


Welcome to the forum. And congrats on your 3 days of sobriety.

It took me years to recognize my drinking as a problem. For me it was normal to drink everyday after work… I was surrounded by people who all did the same. But drinking is not normal, putting poison into you body is not normal, being sober is normal. I am glad I can see that now, and Iam glad you can see that now!
Wish you all the best, one day at a time we got this! :muscle: :pray: