I dont want to drink...but i do. Ugh

Ive wanted to quit drinking for a long time…prob not the best time of year to quit so im afraid i wont make it 30 days. Im starting at 30 days because forever seems too long. So i am 2 days sober. On my down time i drink so im trying to find a healthier hobby.


Hello, how’s it been going?

Hi there, on day 2 myself…I usually start drinking in the afternoons and don’t quit till I pass out at the end of the night. Today I wrapped the last of my Christmas presents and then made dinner. But now I’m starting to crave big time so I’m going to the gym for a long work out and hope to sweat out more toxins in the sauna after that!!!
Hang in there :+1:t2:

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Keeping busy is hard when ur used to being drunk or hungover all the time! I started drawing, listening to new bands, learning the ukulele and trying new recipes. I rarely hang out with my old friends but that’s ok, I’ll make new sober ones! Have faith in yourself! It’s hard but possible!

I completely understand how you feel. Unfortunately I know I can’t drink safely, only on Day 1 again but I really really need to stop. Good luck

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Same here, I’m on day 3. I just went to an AA meeting and am about to read some recovery literature. I also check these boards frequently. We can do this.


Yes we can! I was pretty useless yesterday could barely eat and the insomnia has been tough. But I did call my old sponsor and hitting up a meeting tonight so we will see

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