I drank yesterday

Hang in there. I just started Day 2 again and would love to make it to 2 weeks.

You can do this one day at a time. Try something different. Program,meeting,sponsor, fellowship,service work, step work and love yourself more recognize your worth every bit of it

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14 days is really good. And you really are honest about your relapses and how they are predictable. You have a lot of self knowledge and a lot of good smarts and those together are great assets. Thanks for sharing and I wish you the best- you can do it again and more.

You can, if you want to, and are willing to do whatever it takes.

Lots of people say they are willing to do everything BUT…

It’s the BUT that defeats you.

You can be sober, by simply saying “no” to the drink that matters…the first drink. You know this, because you managed to do it for 14 days.

So how do you get to 15, 16, 17…1year, 3, 5?

By doing whatever it takes, be it coming here every day. Going to meetings. IOP. Sober living. Ending relationships with enablers and codependents, distancing toxic family members, changing jobs, moving to a new city.

Whatever it takes. If you are willing to do this, you will get and stay sober.

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So how are things now Tinkerbell21?

Well I haven’t been doing very good . I haven’t been checking in and I have been drink at lest once a week. I really want to get one month on my plate

Hey I may not know you or understand your struggles but cmon you have to be strong ik it’s stupid coming from a kid but trust me things will get better along as you let them don’t stay mad at yourself celebrate that you got this far and try again, try again and again and you will feel better about it try writing down thoughts and ways to improve hope this helped :blush::two_hearts:


Not that good I need to do better. I need to stop drinking and I don’t know why I do it

I was going through a very similar cycle early in my attempts to stop, so I feel for you, it seems like an overwhelming task ahead.

But today I am 11 days shy of 1 yr and have never felt better.

I’m not sure any of us know why we go through that vicious cycle. For me, from what I have pieced together, it was to not be inside my head and deal with emotions and partly because of the ego side - my thought was that telling people i no longer drank was a sign if weakness, but really nothing is farther from the truth…it is ALL strength.

There was also the chaos that came with the relapse both internally with the regret, and beating yourself up and the conflict with my family for failing to live up to my word that i would stop. Horrible feelings, but familiar feelings so easier to deal than whatever else was in my head.

This time I also stopped beating myself up about past failures. I read somewhere that it is necessary to acknowledge the past and learn from it, but if you look too much what is behind you it is like driving a car looking in the rear view mirror. So this time I look forward instead. And it is working for me!

2020 has given me many excuses to drink but I have not even considered taking a drink.

You will get there too if you just keep working on it!

No magic words but from the many many success stories on this site trust it can be done. It is hard at the beginning. But it is worth it in the end.


Hi Tiffany, I’m sorry that you’re struggling. Have you read The easy way to stop drinking for women by Allen Carr? It really is a very good read. I found it really helpful in the beginning of my journey. I really think it would help you too. Please stay strong. Only you can do this for you. I’m sending strength and hugs your way… come on! Try again! Empty the house of any booze and stock up the fridge with treats and soft drinks! That shit is killing you! There is life beyond booze, I promise!!! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Thank you I will look into that book

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