I drink to much on the weekends

I don’t drink alot during the week but when the weekend comes I go all out. Some times I don’t even know how I get home, I black out. It’s been getting more and more bad lately


I just joined today and this is exactly my problem. It’s been happening to me for years though and Ive just been brushing it off because I don’t feel like I’m an alcoholic because I only drink on weekends. I’m done making excuses though and that’s why I joined this forum. So hopefully we can be a positive influence on each other. :slight_smile:


Same here I brush it off because I only drink on the weekends. But I drink alot alot. One time I almost finished a bottle of jack danielas at a bar. The bar tender cut me off and I still felt good. I left that bar and went to the next. I think I need to find new friends because all we do is drink on the weekends


Oh yes I can easily finish off a bottle of Jameson. I actually have friends who are sober and I still drink around them. Not as much but it still says something about myself when I can’t even have a good time not drinking even if people around me aren’t drinking. Maybe it’s a confidence thing for me. I don’t know but I’m looking forward to getting to know myself better and enjoying activities without alcohol. Ones I can remember the next day.


I have been the same way. I blackout after a certain amount and don’t remember texting or talking to ppl. I have even had sex (with my bf) and not remember it. He had to tell me what we did. This is getting bad and I need to stop or at least moderate for awhile until I can completely quit. I like the way it makes me feel but I don’t like the guilt and hangover the next day. Has anyone tried any medication to stop drinking? Like naltrexone or anything? I really don’t want to have that on my medical record though.

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That’s why I’m here too. Been on and off this forum for almost 2 Mon though. Tired of not remembering stuff, causing arguments, driving when I shouldn’t be, etc.
This last weekend I drank 2 bottles of wine and talked to my husband for 45 min about utter nonsense. Things that made no sense. I wish I had a recorder to hear how stupid I sounded but the next day he told me and I was like what?!?!
But it’s typically just on the weekend’s for me too but enough is enough.


That’s my problem too. Never was one to drink two days in a row or Monday to Thursday. But once Friday hit it was like an urge that needed satisfying. This past Friday my friend did record me and I saw myself. Let me tell you it was the eye opener I needed. She is happy I’m choosing to quit. I’ve been trying to quit since it became a problem for me (I.e. Blackouts, fights with my boyfriend, car wrecks, meeting strangers…etc) I would say 14yrs ago. I can’t believe it’s never stuck. This time I’m praying it does. I can’t do this anymore.


Yeah I’m going to get back into sports to keep my mind busy. I’m going to start playing indoor soccer on the weekends

That’s crazy. How old are You? Sometimes I have to check my Snapchats to see what I did. Yeah me too I end up texting people that I’m not suppose to be texting. Same here. When I drink it makes me feel happy and I’m always down to do whatever but I should stop because no one take me serious anymore everyone says I party hard every weekend and girls that i talk to say they can’t be with me cause I’m always out and always drinking. Hopefully I can slow my roll before something happens

Yeah I’m only a weekend drinker and when I drink oh I drink. The good thing about it is that I stopped drinking and driving. But I still drink alot. Yeah I don’t remember the conversation I have with my friends. I have to call them in the morning and find out what I did or what I said

You can do it!!! I believe in you!! I’ve never been recored because all the people around me are always drunk too. I’ve never got in an argument or got in a fight when I drink. People say I’m always happy when I’m drunk. I’m always smiling and talking to people. Im the opposite of that. I don’t talk alot or smile. I do crack some jokes here and there but that’s it

I drank the same as you do. Not much during the week but weekends were a clusterfuck of shenanigans. When I decided to stop I set a goal of 100 days. The number being large enough to mean something, obtainable, but without the dread of forever. So each day I accumulated was one closer to my goal. By the time I succeeded the benefits of sobriety impacted my life in a more positive manner than the good times I had drinking. So I’ve kept going just adding days with no end goal. Just bumming the number up. And now I can’t think of one good reason to have a drink. Good luck to you and welcome to the forum


I’m proud of you man!!! I hope I can reach my goal. I tried to stop alot of times but you know how it is. It’s someone’s birthday and they want to go to the clubs/bars and I’ll have 1 but 1 leads to alot. I have to slow my roll

Club soda was my life saver. Still has the feel of beer. I still will but a round for my friends when we go out. I just don’t because like you 1 leads to 20. Still would. So much of success doing this is changing behavior and avoiding triggers. I believe you can still have the same friends and go out. If they get what you’re doing they’ll support it. Although if yours are like mine they’ll bust your balls but it comes from a place of love. They also appreciate the fact I’m cheaper than Uber.


Snap !! I can be really healthy during the week and then Friday hits and I’m in full on party mode by 10am ! Then I can stop ! I’m getting so bored of the same thing over and over again like a broken record! I’m sick of apologising for my behaviour and living with regret all the time. And not to mention the hangovers, they kill me ! I know all this and remind my self everyday why I want to quit, but it all goes out the window when that weekend feeling hits :roll_eyes: . Really hope I can make it through this weekend, my bodies well over due a dry weekend!


“ONLY weekend drinking…to blackouts” That’s a huge red flag. You don’t have to be an everyday drinker, living under a bridge to be an alcoholic. You have to be honest with yourself. Binge drinking is incredibly dangerous. Blackouts are incredibly dangerous. I highly suggest reading all you can about this. Find a support group. Don’t drink, just for today.


Same here as soon as I’m off work I get a cold on. Then the night hits and I’m a party animal and I don’t stop till sunday night. Same here I get bored of going out to the bars and drink but it’s just a like a habit now. I never get hangover idk why. I black out then wake up and I’m dizzy then I’m back to normal. You can do it!!!

That was my next suggestion! Try to find some sober friends to do sober activities with. It’s amazing how fun things are not being innibriated all the time. I have been an alcoholic for over 13 years, I’m at 95 days today. You’ll be much happier clean and serene. Hang in there, you have a lot of support here :heart:

I’m 47 and have been doing it from time to time for a couple years but it doesn’t happen every time I drink.