I either stop or die

Hi guys, I am new here…

I was starting my soberity journey a few times already, byt my self destructive behavior always gets to me.

I recently had a very tough month - death in family, stress at work, failing the relationship with the men I still love.

I went in a fucking drinking binge recently - no food, just alcohol because I could not handle how I feel.

I don’t know how much strenght I will have to really stop, I am not even sure if I have a reason to stop or not, but for now I will at least try.

Just had to let it all out. Every advice is appreciated, I am a real mess recent days. I hope that having community will help.


Well, if everything was going good for you, why would you even think about giving up the booze?

It’s only when drinking interferes with my life goals that I’ll stop to wonder if I should slow down or quit. It may be a family issue, it could be financial, it could be medical, or all of the above, that becomes problematic.

Coming out of a binge, we can ask ourselves was it worth it? Did it solve any of my problems?
If we are desperate enough, if drinking only added to the burden I already had, then maybe that’ll become the motivation to make changes in my life.


Welcome Chicky N :blush:
Sorry about that tough month you had. It sounds very painful. Throwing all that booze on there adds so much shame to all that pain.

This has been a great sober community for me to meet and help and get support from people from all around the world. There is so much knowledge around here.

When I am out of strength and feel lost and boy did I feel hopeless :pensive: I spent a lot of time on here. I find being active on here has been key to much of my sobriety. I’m even no longer afraid to go to AA meetings.

Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable.

Here’s another thread of a friendly daily checkin people like to use. If you’re willing check it out. Have a good read. And again. Join if when you’re comfortable.

Best advice for right now.
Keep an open mind. Take what you like and leave the rest.


Oops forgot to post that last link.


Welcome to Talking Sober Chickennugget. You know, to actually drink ourselves to death takes at least as much strength as to quit destroying ourselves and break the chain of active addiction. And dying from drinking hurts a whole lot more as the hurt we’re trying to run away from by doing so. And in the end wat we run from will always catch up with us.

You’re here, you tried before, I am sure you have reasons to stop. Over here we’re in it together and we give ourselves a chance to make it through to the other side. Which is done together, which is done one day at a time, which started and starts with a first day for us all. I’m glad your here friend. You’re not alone and the opposite of addiction is connection. Welcome again and all succes. Love and hugs your way.


Thank you all for your welcome here, I feel really touched and I feel slightly better.

I feel my lowest in life, today I think I hit the rock bottom, but I stopped myself from buying another bottle.

Hope to keep up this way. :mending_heart: