I feel different this time

LOTS of changes have occurred in my life the past week. I moved into a nice new apartment and I’ve completely ended my unhealthy relationship with my boyfriend. Its my first time ever living alone but I feel so good. I have time to think, to connect to myself and my God, and although its only been a week since I used I feel like I’m done. Like I can’t imagine risking this beautiful blessed life I’ve been given to go back to where I came from. I feel my ex was one of the HUGE aspects holding me back k from completely dedicating myself to my sobriety and well being and overall happiness, and now that I’ve been strong enough not to let him back in my life Its like a door of opportunities to better myself has opened up. I’m so greatful today, and I just want to remind anyone reading this to NEVER GIVE UP. That 1684th attempt you make to change could be the one that completely redirects your life.
Stay strong friends. This time I’m going big.


Hey Ash! It feels so freeing getting rid of a toxic ex doesn’t it!?? It took me 6 years to the same and then the toxic friends were easy to rid myself of once I was free of him. I totally understand how you’re feeling right now. It’s so great! Also, living by yourself is awesomeee! LOL! Enjoy and keep up that amazing attitude!


Wish you a happy journey Ash​:slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile:

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@Ash I see a conviction in you. That’s amazing. You can do this!