I fucked up

5 days in and i fucked up. im sorry to the whole world i didnt black out i didnt lose control but i drank. i dont drink anything but hennesy i took 10 shots of it. im so ashame n whats worse i have to see my counter back at 0 again i hate this

what you are goino thru us tough, but you can make it through this. just keep taking it one day at a time. every time I relapsed I just made it a goal to try and be sober at least one day longer than I did before, keep setting goals and don’t sell yourself short, keep fighting for sobriety and never give up, no one is ashamed of you or disappointed, you made it 5 days and that’s more than most people can do, start again and continue the battle for sobriety :slight_smile: you are not alone :v::heart:


Keep resetting.
Keep fighting.
Keep on going on. You’re human.
Hennessy is gross…it’s like drinking a can of Snoop Dogg to me. But if it’s your thing…make sure you try and remember how bad it tasted and how it makes you feel and keep it out of the house.

The next step is keeping out of the liquor store.


I know the feeling was 13 days sober and decided to go to a hockey game the one beer I promised myself turned into everything I dislike about myself. When will I learn :slight_smile:

i dont even know what to say… i just puked for the 3rd time today…wtf is wrong with me? :expressionless: @SoberSteph @Shoots @Bearsharktiger

Nothing is wrong with you alcohol isn’t for everyone myself included. I hate it all my friends can have 2 beers and go home. One beer for me and I can’t stop

Great advice! @Oliverjava That is a motto to live by and something I want to tell myself everyday. I am worth being a healthier sober me, the best me I can be.

@Igotthis88 Our failures don’t define us, it’s how you act after relapsing. Great job reaching out for support. You got this! :slight_smile:

Dont worry lovely. Ive been fighting this for ten years and now only 6 days in after I lost my job. Every little battle won edges closer to winning the war. Head up :wink:


thank u guys :worried: no need to say it but im dying today im glad i am reminds me why i hate drinking n gives me more strength not to do it again. :expressionless: i hope once the initial hangover that im still singing the same tune @rickwills @elizabeth @shoots @oliverjava

look sweets you got to fail so you can learn more about your triggers and how to avoid it … nobody ever has conquered addiction without failing … at least you try … at least you fight … at least you have a counter to reset … a lot of people dont … the moment that you REALLY fuck up is the moment you give up … stay positive :slight_smile:


@Igotthis88. Please remember what you just said. My biggest relapse triggers have always been after the hangover wears off. Somehow my brain would always tell me it’s time to get shit faced again as soon as I felt physically well.


Exactly! It’s like my body needs a day to recover and then as soon as I feel normal again, I’m right back at it. Sometimes I wouldn’t even wait for recovery, I drank asap until I felt functional again. @Igotthis88 one day at a time! We are all here for you


Seriously I don’t remember how many times I had to reset my counter… we all go through it- but each time you fall and pick yourself up, you become stronger and stronger… it is a learning curve.


At least your trying :slight_smile: Keep up the effort, and don’t beat yourself up for the slip ups!

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thank you guys i appreciate it. so hungover usually i dont get hangovers cuz i drink everyday but i was sober for 5 so i got one after years of never getting one plus usually when i drink i do lines to stay sober n keep drinking i quit that a few months ago that was cake alcohol is so hard

I feel your struggle started my clock app 2day after 5days clean off heroin . want extra focus! But everyone here has a drive to be/do better… That’s why we partake in this app! I wish you all the best of luck!

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I was there 14 days ago. Spent the day throwing up. RALPHING! Bah! I have a spine injury so it’s just bad all around.

Remember how horrible you feel. Write it down. Carry it with you and read it. I too did drugs to cover the more socially acceptable alcohol. I used it for hangovers… I used for everything and anything.

Meh. You can’t go backwards but learn from this.

Don’t let yourself feel down. I’m one breath away from succumbing myself. It’s you beautiful people, and you, @Igotthis88, kept me out of the toilet today.

Thank you. Keep posting. Keep on here. Keep smiling and dust yourself off you gotst this! (spelling on purpose! Lol)


@Joshuamichael damn wish the best of luck with that buddy ive never touched heroin anything intravenous it scares me :frowning: i hope with all my heart u are able to kick it. @sobersteph im glad i was able to help in your soberness that actually makes it worth while to me i just puked yet again but its not invain since something good came out of it :heart:

@Igotthis88 al·co·hol·ism
an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency.
“he had a long history of depression, drug abuse and alcoholism”

Once you decide to put it in your body, it becomes a physical reaction and mental obsession. You have to obstain and get support (try going to a meeting). You mentally relapsed before that liquor ever hit your mouth.


@Melrm that is such an eye opener and true: you will mentally relapse before a drink hits your mouth!

I remember the emotional and physical battle before I used… And how I talked myself into using… Inner dialogue is so important to sobriety…