I guess I'll give this a try. Day 1

I guess I’ll give this a try. Day 1


Hi! And welcome. This forum/app is amazing. I was skeptical at first but was pleasantly surprised. The people on here are so nice and understanding. So many good people that know how hard finding sobriety is. Tell us your story? If you don’t mind :slight_smile:


Aloha and welcome to the journey! Here you will find many fellow travelers who are happy to help cheer you along! Just check in when your feeling lost and in need of a little direction.


Welcome! It seems we all have the same exact goal but all have different stories. This forum is a great place to talk through our thoughts as we get them and is also a great place for support. Best of luck to you in your journey with sobriety!

Been pretty much living in a bottle since I turned 21. Just feel like it’s time. About to be 27 so I figure it is a good time to slow down. Maybe start comming home from work and finding something to do instead of drinking a 12 pack befor going to sleep and starting it all over again


Hi @jprevatt0306 you’ve come to the right place. Good luck my friend

Welcome @jprevatt0306 !

Prynhawn da (good afternoon) and welcome! I only joined yesterday but already this great bunch of people have helped me out no end, I’m on 2 1/2 days and looking forward to getting to my first week :slight_smile:


Thanks I need all the luck I can get

Thanks. Wish you the best of luck also

Yea so far only managed 3 days since I turned 21. Hopefully I can pull off a week

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Ok I appreciate it. Thanks for the support

I had to quit whiskey, Marijuana and pills. The first days are hard. I sweated it out like a farm animal.
Remember why you are here on this earth and breathe in sobriety on day at a time.
Day 10! Woo hoo!
Now I just sweat it out on my bike.


You’ll do great, just keep coming on here if you’re finding things difficult. Don’t think you need luck as this might suggest it is an external force that will have an impact on your success. It’s not, it’s going to be YOU that smashes this! If you do have a few hiccups along the way, just count them as learning of how you will cope a little better next time :slight_smile: I’m so looking forward to not embarrassing myself at Christmas and actually remembering it!

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Yea that’s gonna be a big step. Making it through chrustmas. I struggle on days where I don’t have anything to do. So we will see how it turns out

Not much to do out in Lumberton I know that… I live in Durham.

Day 1 for me, too!! :raised_hands:t2:

Give em hell you guys. Hang tough.

Day 1 for me as well.

You have made the first step. Use us and this ap to listen and learn from our group. You can do this!! Check in frequently and know we are here to help. You’ve got this!!! Btw I’m 40 days sober -/