I guess this is my story

Well, I’m 22 and today marks my sixth day being clean from Marijuana. I have been clean from meth for almost three years… I have been in and out of jail up until I was in jail and found out I was pregnant with my son.(he will be three in Feb.) I was clean until he was 4months old and I was unable to continue breast feeding(crushed me) I begun feeling like a was failing him and I can’t deal with failure…I happened to bump into a friend and she knew I was troubled with not being able to feed my child and well she smoked mj and asked if I wanted to smoke… I didn’t that day and hadn’t even thought of using up until that point well it didn’t take but three days and I had started smoking weed… I have been smoking since. In January(2016) my husband and I married and I quit for two weeks thought my husband had too it was something promised each other… he lied and I caught him… Broke my heart and i started smoking again… Ok fast forward to a couple months ago we started going to church again and the Lord has been dealing with me about things and smoking was one of them (I’ve grew up as both sets of my grandparents being pastors) and I have been praying for the Lord to have His will in my life and to give me the motivation to quit smoking… well he did it!! I woke up six days ago and I just knew that it was the day!! Things have been hard because yes I enjoyed it and my husband continues to use in front of me and with all of our friends being smokers no one has faith in me… but with Jesus I am going to do this!! I haven’t even craved it and I have had the smoke right in my face(not that I wanted it there but). The only thing is my body is super sweating and I can’t hardly eat unless I make myself…and my insides feel like they are full of anxiety…but I am not giving up!!


Congrats @MrsSmallwood keep the faith, find the strength to keep this going . Stick to the choices that do you good. Stay strong as Long as its a will you can make this. You can remove your self from bad things like them smoking in front of you. Set some bounderies. You can .you are the most important in your life


@Cobaltchris thank you! And yes you are right!! And I feel like my will power grows stronger each day… and I just feel better about myself… I love that I am doing this because I feel it’s also giving my husband a view at what his life could be and i feel as if I’m giving him hope… everyone we know keeps telling me how proud they are… but I just tell them please just Thank God!! He is who brought me out of this and who is keeping me going!! I feel I wake up with more motivation to better myself inside/outside everyday… this year for Christmas my son is being so spoiled because he has done without because of our usage… for me that is a motivation because I am so excited I was able to provide for him… it may not seem like much but it’s a giant deal for me…


Im so happy for you @MrsSmallwood thats some christmas gift for your kid as well. Happy mom

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