I had to reset

After just over 2 months I had a drink last night. I don’t even have an explanation… I can’t express how angry and upset I am with myself. I was so proud of myself and my family were too.

While I was queuing in the shop to buy the wine everything in my body was telling me to just leave it and go home. But I didn’t. And that’s what makes me so mad at myself. I made a conscious decision to buy it then to drink it.

My boyfriend was out at the time and arrived home after I had drank half the bottle. I knew he could tell so I told him. He was so angry with me, saying it’s going to be like old times again. I don’t want to go back there I really don’t. I’m so scared.


Please don’t be scared. You can restart again!
I have read the book “The willpower instinct”, the book says It is important to forgive yourself when you do something you shouldn’t have done. Let’s release the past and move on to the future.


I have done that so many times,the wine is in the shopping basket before I have noticed sometimes. Why is it so hard just to not pick it up in the first place???
I know it’s easy to say but don’t be so hard on yourself at least you are admitting that you don’t want to go back to your old ways. I had to reset Saturday night and it was awful going back to day one but hopefully I will use this as a positive as I dont want to have to reset so will remind myself of how low I felt when I had failed.
Your partner and family were proud and it’s is a great thing you have their support.
I use the phrase off Nemo… Just keep swimming :grinning:

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Hey Liv, don’t beat yourself up, 2 Months is incredible…so you had a little slip up…it was never going to be easy, be proud of what you have already achieved and next time you’re tempted just remember how you felt today.

Never give up! This isn’t easy stuff. Stay strong and forgive yourself even if your boyfriend doesn’t right away. I have been taking a lot of baths lately in the evenings to relax and reflect, it’s really helpful

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Thank you guys. It’s been a tough week but I’m getting back on track. It was one slip up and I have to keep going. This time of the year is the worst isn’t it… but I’m strong. It’s surprised me how much I have enjoyed being able to say that I no longer drink or that I haven’t drank in however many weeks. It’s something to be proud of and I want to hold on to that feeling.


You lapsed, you didn’t relapse. Just one hiccup in the road.

Get back on track and stay strong!