I hate this whole isolation thing

This whole “self isolating” thing is fucking me up. Im stuck at home for the vast majority of the day, save a short walk outside here and there. It kinda reminds me of when i had to stay in the hospital under suicide watch again, just that feeling of being stuck and watched all the time (cause im at home with my family :upside_down_face:). Its just a lot

Luckily i can still have appointments via phone call with my therapist and I can still call friends. And i understand why we have to isolate and all that jazz, its still hard though.


I am going through times where I feel quite zen about it and then I feel so trapped.

When I feel trapped I think it’s mainly because I feel like I have no control over the situation. Typical addict behaviour!


It is hard but you’re right we are so lucky to have phone and internet connections!


This is helping me these days:


Man, I hear you! So its time to start picking up healthy habits that keep your mind and hands busy. What are things that have interested you? What kind of things could you research and learn about? I’ve become an amateur expert at unemployment and helping people that work for me understand how it works, how to file for it, and how the various stimulus packages can and will help them. I’m able to learn something new and help people out at the same time. And I’m reading a lot for pleasure and gaming in my PC. Also finding my way into online communities.

Think outside the box. I never in my life thought I would be knowledgeable about unemployment! :laughing: