I have No F.U.N

All I seem to do is go to therapy and church. Monday through Friday is therapy. Sunday through Thursday is church. IT IS SO OVERWHELMING!!! I never have fun anymore.

I have two hours each day set aside to call my boyfriend (one hour in the afternoon and one in the evening) and I color and read, I try to limit my phone time to two hours a day so I’m not always on it. But other than that I sit and watch TV.

Anyone have anything they do they think I would enjoy?


Exercise! Any kind …walking…join a gym…yoga…It has been huge in my recovery!


Saasy put together an extensive list. Check it out and see if anything piques your interest.


I found when I got sober, even when I was going to meetings practically every day early on, I still had more hours everyday than I did when I wasted them drinking. I had always been working, drinking, or nursing a hangover.

What we do with the extra hours, well… I dunno! Going to church sounds like a healthy one for ya. What else do you like to do?

I find anything that’s good for growth is good for sobriety. Recovery meetings and fellowship. Volunteering. New training or hobbies I’d always put off while drunk.

I took up more meditation and exercise for a while. Eventually sponsored guys. Also some guys from the fellowship taught me golf. Did karaoke and dance classes with others. Backpacking trips I was too out of shape for before.

All a personal thing. What sorts of stuff do you like, but never had time or motivation for before?

Sky’s the limit!


I feel u on this. I do not know how to have fun lol Then again… the majority of my life wasnt fun either while using drugs. I try to find interesting things to do but I also have limited time for it. I guess my fun is the hobbies I have discovered. I do enjoy exercise, meal planning, baking, beading, and dreamcatcher making. I don’t go out with others very often. I’m basically a homebody now lol. I have just been trying to sort of find things that I enjoy. When I used to attend in person mtgs back home there was alot of fun things to do. They had the 12 step camping trips, dry dances, conventions, coffees with others, I’d do service work in the jails, school, and detox centres. Lots of opportunity for social interaction with healthy people. I don’t go to in person mtgs where I live now due to time but I do attend online mtgs. Not quite the same tho.


Thanks! :smile: That helps a lot. I bookmarked it so now I can go back to it when I need to find inspiration when I’m bored

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It’s not that I don’t know how, it’s that I don’t have fun period. Well…… fun is a person’s prerogative .


Ya thats true lol. I never thot about it like that! I thot I didn’t know how to have fun jut that’s not true lol I do… its just I don’t have the time often enough to be able to have the fun I want. I absolutely hear what ur saying :slight_smile:

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Martial Arts. There’s “hard arts” like Boxing and Judo, and “soft arts” like Tai Chi and Akiddo. Good for mind, body and spirit.


I found that doing Diamond Art, is a good way to pass time. For me, it’s relaxing and rewarding. But some can find it tedious.
Just thought I’d share :grin:

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Hey welcome to our community!

I did one before, and I did NOT have the patience for it lol. But Im glad you enjoy them.

Feel free to share more of your thoughts on more posts hon :slight_smile:

I’m brand new here and alcohol free for 12 days but I still have tremors so badly that I can’t even write w/o meds to calm me down. When will this go away? I appreciate any help or advice. Thanks.

It’s day 12 for me and I want to run again but my tremors are horrible and the meds make me super tired. Any advice is appreciated! Thanks.

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Hello! Hi! Welcome dearest! We are so glad to have you!

12 days is really amazing. Keep going.You are so strong and can do this. Know that I am here for you. Having meds to help calm you down is okay. Many of us do.

As for when it will go away…. For me it went away after about two weeks. The shaking did anyways. The cravings, I still get those when I get triggered. Now, please, someone tell me if I’m wrong, but I’m sure if anyone of us gets triggered we all want to go back to our DOC, whatever it may be. The tremors will stop in time my dear, and the triggers will always be there. We just have to learn how to cope with them when they arise.

And, You may message me anytime you need to love. I’ll be here.


I really really appreciate your help, wise words and advice!! Thank you so much!!

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You are so welcome :hugs:

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Day 12 is great! Lots of the physical discomfort should hopefully abate soon. Just start very slow. A walk to the corner and back. Some simple stretches. When you feel better you can increase what you do. I find it helpful to set small goals. Be gentle with yourself. Often people go all in then get discouraged. Just start slow. And check in here!





Thank you so much! :heart: