So I’m 33 days sober and it’s been relatively easy. But recently it’s been getting harder. I’ve been having a lot of anxiety. I haven’t really told people I’ve quit drinking (in case I fail) and people/friends/family continue to offer drinks. I’m finding it’s getting harder and harder to make up excuses to say no. I also feel bad when I go out to eat because I don’t drink soda so I typically order water. I had been a waitress for a really long time and I hate when a whole table orders water. The bill is a lot lower that means I make less money. But I’m embarrassed to order things like strawberry lemonade or a virgin “whatever drink.” I miss not worrying about people judging me. I’m staying strong but this is a big adjustment.
_well…I’ve often used “I’m on new meds and they don’t go well with alcohol”. Or taking a little break, it got a little stale for a while so I’m skipping the booze for a while. You do not owe anyone an explanation at all, though. Trust me. They really don’t give it more than a seconds thought, junless they have a problem drinking and it makes them uncomfortable somehow, don’t let your most likely distorted thinking ( I’m just mean self conciousness) take you out. Practice what you want to say. Then say it. Whatever works best for you is the correct answer…if anyone asks… _
First off…good job on 33 days!
It will get easier this i promise you.
In my opinion i think one of the reasons your having a hard time is because you haven’t told anyone you quit.
Your holding a spot reserved…like you said, in case you slip.
But in a way your holding that spot so you can slip.
If you slip without telling anyone then you feel you don’t have to be accountable to anyone but yourself because only you know but if you tell someone and you slip then you’ll have to be accountable to yourself and them.
It makes it easier and takes the weight off a bit when you tell others and have others be aware of what your trying to do.
It also stops the questions of “do you want a drink” and separates those who want to help you from those who don’t.
Be honest with others…be honest with yourself and don’t rsvp a day or time to ever drink again.
Just my two cents…
Stay strong…stay sober!
Hi. If you’ve embraced sobriety I would say stuff everyone else. Its your life. Well done on 33 days.
Thanks @Rikk. You give great advice. I really appreciate it.
Thanks @Noxamanda11. I appreciate the advice.