I just want someone to talk to

Hi I am Alan husband and father my wife who I love so much but I don’t think loves me from her telling me that she wishes I was dead makes it hard not to drink whenever she’s mad it’s the same I hate you I wish you were dead or just die already or that Iam disgusting after a while I began to believe it myself I’m a strong person or at least I thought I was but everybody has a Breaking Point right the worst part is the feeling alone knowing that I’m the only person I can talk to it’s what really kills me

I know what your going through sounds like there’s hope for u guys if your wife is still there there’s always hope but u got to push that addiction in the trash before u lose everything build that connection your wife is craving for from u before its to late U still got everything u need u just need to put her first show her the love u have for her and stay away from the alcohol if that’s the problem don’t wait till its to late there’s always hope just let love reconnect u that’s all she wants be patient well your doing it if she’s there in the home never lose hope or give up that’s your family don’t let it slip away from u be strong and I wish u the best Alan.

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Hi brother how u doing

Thank you It really helps knowing Iam not the only one

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@Alan @Louism
My husband and I have been married for 16 yrs. We met drinking, got married drinking and partied hard together for the first 5 yrs of our marriage, then things got dark, we both got lost in our own addictions and our marriage took a huge hit, for the next 4 yrs we split up, got back together, split up again, then back together. The problem was that no one was getting sober until 2008, I personally couldn’t live with myself anymore and made a decision to join AA. I left my husband because I knew I could not stay sober with him around, after a year, we got back together. I was sober, his drinking got even worse. The last time though in 2014, he left me. I was devastated, I thought since I was sober and doing the right thing that he would miraculously want to get sober too…lol…unfortunately it doesn’t work that way, he left, immediately moved in with another woman and I was devastated. Shortly after that a dear friend killed himself and then my father died unexpectedly and i went back or and stayed drinking again for about 9 months. Immediately that demoralizing feeling came over me. When I had had enough, I crawled back into AA and 2 days ago got my 6 month chip. Here’s the amazing part of all this. My husband and I had been separated for almost 2 years, I was actually trying to file for divorced because I just assumed it was over. I prayed for guidance and stayed sober. Unbeknownst to me my husband was still drinking heavily and his world was falling apart until a few months ago he finally had reached his bottom, left the other woman, got himself into AA and is living life sober. 3 months ago he and I reconciled and are, for the very first time, truly working on rebuilding our life together SOBER! I tell you all this because sometimes you have to loose everything in order to find yourself, in order to get yourself healthy so that you can have a healthy relationship with anyone, especially your spouse. But it takes time, patience, forgiveness towards yourself first then to your loved ones. They deserve the time and space THEY need to heal just like we do. Stay hopeful, you have no idea what recovery and God has in store for you, none of us do. I can guarantee you one thing for sure though, none of those great things will EVER happen if we continue to drink or use. Stay strong, stay sober! :heart:


@MicheleH amazing story I’m in awe of your strength. I wish you two the best of luck !


I really needed to read this today thank you

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I hope things are going a little better for you,stay strong.

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@Restlesssoul @marty, @Ash I give all the glory to God and AA, cuz my way of doing things was always blurred by my own issues and pain. There is hope though and I know you can do this! Stay in the middle of the herd, they say, don’t just sit on the sidelines. We all deserve a good life, no matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done. We are all wor thy of forgiveness!!


I’m here dear I’m also struggling
Just be positive