I keep hitting reset button

I need help. I got out of treatment and I can’t keep sober. I go to AA and got a sponsor this past week- she’s amazing. BUT, I can’t keep sober for more than 2 whole days. I’m SO discouraged. Yesterday I called my sponsor and actually said I was so mad and upset that I couldn’t drink. She told me about maybe not hitting my “bottom”. I CAN NOT hit bottom. I have dreams I want to accomplish and I can’t do it with this! She also said I need to be “comfortable with being uncomfortable.” I understand that, but I can’t stop. Any advice?

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I think you need to focus on why you want/need this. If you focus on the goals perhaps the desire to drink will make you angry enough to fight it.

Keep at it. You will figure it out.


My advice for you is to find a higher power to pray to. I’m not talking regions. It could be a family memeber who pasted for whatever you beilive it. Pray!! The big book give us a prayer of acceptance

Acceptance is the answer is all my problems today. When I am disturbed it is because i find some people place thing or situation so fact of my life unacceptable to me and i can find no serenity until i accept that people place or thing as being exactly the way it is suppose to be at this moment. Nothing absolutely nothing happens in gods world by mistake. Until i could accept my alcoholism i could not stay sober until i could accept life completely on lifes terms i could not be happy. I need to concentrate on not so much what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.


From what it sounds like you are a great liar to yourself, and in turn lie to your sponsor and whoever made yougo to treatment. Hell at least you are still drinking, that’ll make you feel better…until it doesn’t. There’s a point in life where you will die from delirium Tremens if you don’t drink, and you will die if you do drink because it’s poisoning your body, mind, and soul. Get a dui, or shoot your brains out.
why are YOU getting sober?
for your dreams and desires?<- that’s not for you
foR family? not you
Don’t hit the bottom, funny enough, there is never a bottom!!!
it’s when you stop digging.
I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, don’t be a dead example for the rest of us <3

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You have to be ‘ready’ to stop, but ready isn’t a place or a sign unfortunately.
At the point I was ready I was experiencing hallucinations, burning up although it was below freezing outside and was soaked in sweat, but a dead calm came over me and that was the end of it, (at least for 40 days now).
Maybe ready’s coming but isn’t with you yet?


You have to do it for yourself, agreed. I was never going to quit until I wanted it for myself. If I didn’t want this I’d be fighting it everyday and probably wouldn’t last longer than a few days. You already know you need a sponsor, AA and then whatever you learned in rehab I’m sure. Now it’s changing your mindset.

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Thanks for the advice. On the contrary, I was honest with my sponsor and we are meeting today, and no one forced me into treatment, I did that myself.


Hope your meet goes ok with your sponsor it’s easy to stop drinking but it’s harder to stay sober , listen to what she says and if hurt with her comments then tell her that’s what a sponsor for I’ve been sponsoring for almost 28 years now and I tell my sponsee s to let me know if they have something bothering them , don’t know why you keep drinking only you know that. But I’m sure things will work out best of luck

The reason it took me long to really quit was that I knew I was destroying my life, but thought that my life was shit anyway and I didn’t deserve any better and that I won’t amount to anything anyway, so I might just as well die from alcoholism as soon as possible.
I don’t know if that’s the problem in your case as well, but if it is here’s my message for you:
you do deserve a good life, you do deserve to be happy and you are capable of attaining your goals and dreams. Your life, happiness and dreams are worth struggling for. So go struggle.
Good luck!


Honesty is the key, sorry for being mean :"(
Just wanted to see where your coming from. Do it for yourself. Get another day <3

I think many of us felt the same way. I know I did. 8 days strong so far though.


“Don’t give up giving up”
“One day at a time” -Even one hour at a time when a day seems endlessly hard.
Insert other random cliche here But it’s true!

The good thing is you’re being honest with yourself and still seeking support! Even though you continue to relapse, you haven’t resigned to the fact that you cannot stop and therefore will give up on trying to get help!

I have tried and tried to stop only to relapse so many times. For the past 18 months, my longest sober stretch has only been 13 days, I find day 3 the hardest and mid afternoon the toughest time of day.

Knowing your triggers for weak spots is helpful, people, places, time of day, days into sobriety and learning how to overcome them is paramount, at least for me. Everyone handles their recovery and addiction in their own way.


Thank you for your kind words. We have to remember there are millions of people just like us in the world who are going the exact same thing at the exact same time as us. This app is helpful, and I’ve been learning as I go. The good thing is I am not ready to give up AA, my sponsor, or other support- I’m not turning it away anymore.


Way to go Big Rich doing great Bo