Hit my goal today, after 50 beer a week that’s a huge!!!
Many good things have come with it, I’m more productive, and kids are feeling good,
Have lost 20 pounds, have started regular gym training, I’m more interested how I look and
Dress, I have sleep better, more and go to bed same time as rest of the family, I’m really
Self-confident in all areas of life, I eat super heathy and take my vitamins, I have get rid of my
Blood pressure medication, I’m nicer to the people,
Some odd things also, I am quite certain that I feel god or something like that in the theater,
That was strange, never felt that way before, yesterday in the parking lot of locally grocery store
I suddenly got a some serotonin rush like you can have when you are young and that was awesome,
I just smiled alone there: D
Negative sides are that I can’t escape to my own drunk land and I miss it sometimes, especially
Night listening to music, wife is confused about this and don’t really know how to handle my
Rising self-esteem, maybe I was kind of easier with my chubby businessman looks and mental guilt, like a teddy bear
Witch you can control, now I’m a lion :), hopefully she can adjust for new me.
I have hit my goal, but don’t start drinking today and I promise that kids get a sober Christmas.
PS this forum have helped a lot, thanks everybody!