I mess up again today

I mess up again today I was cleaning from Porn and masturbation for 3 day but I fail again I let myself get to prideful and I relap again please pray for me


I’m. Have faith.

I am on day 3 myself after a recent relapse. My relapse happened four days after I started. I understand your struggle as I am also a porn and masterbation addict. Some others that might can help you are @Mtrav0040 @DungeonMaster @Swim_Track_18 @KevinesKay. These are a few people who helped me when I had my relapse. Stay strong I believe in you


It’s a difficult battle. What have you been doing to stay clean?

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Were you white knuckling the whole time? How’d you get into the addiction? There are always underlying issues in every addiction. Addressing these makes up the first step towards breaking free.


Welcome @Wjpasley.

I’m glad you’re here.

Really just pray and try to stay busy as much as possible.

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I’m day 20. I had one of “those dreams” this morning that men have… what’s got me through this far and I’ve been trying to get somewhere on this for months is twice daily prayer asking for my character defects to be removed mainly lust. I’m a trill struggling in some regards I think apart of my loneliness pushes me to want to have relationships in some regard. I mean it’s normal to want to be with someone (I’m single) but it’s unhealthy self seeking and lust. I know lust can take me to bad places depression etc and can actually hurt others. So yeah… good on you for wanting to make some healthy changes. You’re not alone. With dedication we can get somewhere.


It’s also helped me to limit exposure to things sexual in nature, mostly online. I’m on a lot of dating sites and I find it quite triggering seeing scandalous woman etc. Also not perving at woman etc or doing things remotely related to this type of addiction helps. When I have a lot of energy like that full on sexual energy I try to put it into something else even if it’s only video games or reading diary keeping cooking doing something nice for someone anything.

So true about underlying issues, mine are fear of being unloveable mainly, gotta circumvent that and love myself. Stay strong.

Hey @Wjpasley, welcome to the forum! Glad you’re here.

Im sorry to hear about your recent relapse. Things things do happen, so it’s important to learn from them whenever you can. Oftentimes you can find something that was a huge part of the reason for the relapse, such as being alone or allowing those thoughts in your head to be entertained. If you can find some of the reasons for going back, you can also find places to begin targeting some of your triggers and weaknesses.

Keep coming back, even if you do relapse again. It’s not about how many times you are knocked down, but rather how many times you get back up. Thanks for getting up again! Can’t wait to see and be a part of your journey!

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A couple of resources that helped me in early recovery:

Breaking the Cycle by George Collins

Try to find a local meeting for a 12 step group, even AA can help if you substitute porn addiction for alcoholism.
There’s more if you need help. For me, no amount of prayer or willpower goes very far. I need the help and fellow of others who suffer with addiction.