I messed it up

I’m starting over, too. Wine with a friend got the best of me last night. Then another drink when I got home. Not enough to be hungover, but enough to sleep terrible, feel guilty, and be furious with myself.
Here’s to another day 1.

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Hey atleast you caught yourself before it became a bigger problem. You seem pretty damn smart to me. I wouldnt have been able to have just some wine and a drink. My last relapse lasted 5 whole days of intense binge drinking and a hospital visit then detox lol cheers to day 1 :slight_smile:

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Wow! How many days are you at now? My problem isn’t huge bingeing or benders, it’s drinking every single day…just enough to feel like crap constantly and keep me from being fully present for my kids. I don’t have any great gory stories, but i know that I use booze as a crutch to avoid all sorts of things. And it makes me bitchy and anxious. I desperately don’t want to be that person anymore.

Today is day 22. Still pretty fresh. Yeah my problem was binge drinking witch turned into 5-10 day long stretches that ended me in the e.r. 3 times. That’s good you don’t have any bad stories but you could very easily go down that path. Do you go to meetings or have considered them?

Hang in there @justMe2. We sound similar. I’m 5 days off ‘every day’ drinking. Stopped easily when I had my son. But then it was back. I can’t say I’ve been any less cranky or anxious this week, but I haven’t been annoyed at myself for drinking. Hit reset. Get back to it. You deserve to be happy with you! :heart:

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This me too. So tired of being that person

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I know I should go, it’s just so hard to find time with a full time job and two kids. This forum helps. I’ve seen things about online meetings, too. Do you go?

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Yes I go at least twice a week. They help so much just to connect with people in person amd in your area who actually understand what your going through. I would give it a fair shot one day. You can find them online easily. Closed meetings mean they are for people struggling with alcohol only. open means anyone can go to it. I always thought closed meetings ment you needed special permission haha

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We found time to drink, surely we can find time to go to an hour long AA meeting. It’s important.

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