I monumentally fucked up

Your message really made me smile. Thank you so much. Proud of you too

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How are you doing today? Be strong :muscle: you can do this. We believe in you

Mentally feeling much better about the mistakes Iā€™ve made, but thatā€™s also normal as time goes on. Had to reset my timer as Iā€™ve indulged over tithe holiday weekend.

Yup screwed up too last night. Bought a bottle of wine for a friends Christmas gift, dumbest idea I could have had. Of course on 28 days sober I opened it and drank itā€¦ all of it. Always my pattern to binge and block things out. Struggling through this with depression, anxiety , PTSD and loosing a parent recently. It will be my first Christmas without my Dad. Iā€™m back today though stronger, more determined , angry and wanting to move forward so thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m not beating myself up, I reset, I forgive myself, and I am embracing being sober

Yes yes yes. I relapsed about 10 days ago. Felt all the resulting guilt and shame. Once that passed (after 2 days), I felt more determined about my choice to stay sober forever. Thank you for sharing.

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You can do this! Next time you feel the urge to indulge, message us first.

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It took me well over 10 years to get rid of this issue and now, I do not believe that Iā€™m over 5 months sober and not planing to give up during XMAS (it might be my first XMAS that I remember)!!!

Main thing for me, there is no such think as ā€˜one sipā€™, just do not think that you can resist after it is like hook that pulls you back to s**t!

Yes, some people can, but not you or me!

You thinking to kill yourself because you cannot stop drinking?

Sorry, but there is no easy way out, and you not doing it to your relatives over this nice holiday time, as they will not celebrate them ever, if you do it now! Stop being so selfish!