I Need advice so bad

So I have a few doctors who are saying that I’m causing my body to have more problems by not taking the medicine that they want me to take. But for me, I don’t wanna take it because I don’t want to use and it scares me because I’m two weeks clean! What do I do?


When it comes to this stuff, you shpuld really listen to your doctors, not people online. But be honest with your doctors, tell them your history with drugs and/alcohol, tell them your concerns. They are there to help you!

Congrats on 2 weeks sober!

Wish you well.


Congratulations on your 2 weeks Niz!!


Like Dan said. Tell your doc everything! How you feel and your concerns.


It’s not clear what type of medicine you’re talking about.

I know you wouldn’t want to be doing your body more harm.

Talk to your doctor or physicians, and get them to explain to you what the medicine is, why they want you to take it, and what you should expect as an outcome from taking it.

Then you tell them the reasons why you don’t want to take it, or are hesitant to take it. What fears and concerns you have.

In general, just because a Dr prescribes something does not mean that you have to take it.

You should be able to make the informed decision on whether or not you should or should not. And feel like you are making the right choice for your body, your self and your addictions/sobriety.


Be honest with your doctors about your substance use. If after that they still recommend the medication then take it exactly as prescribed.

Alcoholics loving doing things their own way, often with disastrous results. Part of being in recovery is listening to people who know better than us.


I definitely second everyone on here. Being clear with your doctors about your sobriety is freeing, helpful and honestly, doctors deal so much with people who are actively killing themselves, that having someone who is actually doing something GOOD for themselves is really refreshing. I have never had anything other than great experiences coming clean about my drug and alcohol use. To this day I am completely candid about my past use, and as a result, doctors are appreciative and able to give me sound medical advice that takes into account all of my known variables.