I need help, I can’t fight this alone

Hello! Im quite new here, in all honesty I downloaded this app a couple minutes ago. It’s currently 2:47 am where I live, and I’m still wide awake looking for a solution. By the tag you can probably tell that my addiction is a very common one. I couldn’t tell you exactly when porn was introduced to my life but from a young age I remember that I began to masturbate. I just remember being a kid and thinking that what I was doing felt good. I am now 18 years old and I’ve noticed it has become an addiction. I can’t go more than a couple days without feeling an immense need to masturbate. It’s pathetic and I’m sick of it. Yet as you can see I can’t stop myself, I find myself unable to sleep properly due to my anxiety. And that leads to me trying to do anything to relax (which includes masturbation), now I’m not saying that my anxiety is the only cause for this problem of mine… there is times when I masturbate just because I feel like I need to. But that is the exact problem… I know that I DONT need to and that if I continue to do so I will never improve as a person. As a religious person myself I know that I have been disappointing God for years now, and that makes me feel terrible for what I have become. I’ve tried doing this on my own, since the beginning of this year I’ve tried to set a goal up without any help but it’s obvious that I’m getting nowhere like that. I’ve relapsed countless times and it’s time to face this in a better way… so I beg of any of you out there to help me in any way. Just a simple “hello” will let me know that someone out there can hear my thoughts and that’s just about enough. I know that I will beat this addiction and that begins today. Thanks for reading all of this, if you’ve gotten this far, I just want to let you know that I really appreciate your time. Pls continue to support me! Thank you.


Hi, you could find a sex addiction group or a counselor that works in this addiction. Find a sponsor and work the 12 steps.


You are completely right. The difficult thing is that at the moment I have no idea where to start. The place I live is currently under major lockdown due to the pandemic and I also haven’t got my drivers license yet. So moving around is a little difficult since I only have my permit. I promise I’m not making excuses but I’ll need to investigate a bit more for sure, thanks for this help though. I will look into it more, I promise.

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There are online groups and virtual counseling that can assist … do a Google search


Yes sir, I’ll be sure to do that. Hopefully I can contact one of them as soon as possible. Thank you so much man!

You’re welcome

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Hey Jay! People here are like family from all different backgrounds, welcome! :hugs: all addictions are just uncontrolled distractions from life my friend. You can do this! :wink:

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I have noticed that man, it’s actually really dope to see that there is a helpful community out here when you look into it. I’ll be sure to update y’all on my progress, because I know it’ll be hard but now that I have people behind me I know that I can succeed. Thanks for your kind words as well man!

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No worries buddy! :slightly_smiling_face: I’m 10 days sober from several different addictions now (including masturbation) and it’s never too early OR late to take control of your life ODAAT, so stay with us :vulcan_salute:

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There’s a great website I use for AA meetings but they have all kinds of recovery meetings including Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA). What’s nice is you can just sit and listen with camera and mic off. You don’t get called onto share unless you volunteer by clicking the share button. Here’s the link:

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Thank you, I’ll be sure to use all this help! Thanks you guys. I was expecting to get 1 or maybe 2 replies but I’ve already received so much support. I won’t let you guys down.


Hi @Flowers04, sounds like you’re really struggling. I too have been in your shoes and I know how it feels.

The early days are all about getting clean. The technology in your life that gets you access to porn - cut it out. Change your smartphone for a flip phone. Install blockers on your computer (with the passwords held by trusted friends or family; one man I know had his passwords held by his wife). Change the places where you access the computer. I have had days where I spent the entire day working in a mall food court because I know the public environment would keep me safe. I’ve had other days where I set a timer and checked in here every five minutes for several hours. Get creative and do everything you can to prevent seeing or doing things you shouldn’t.

Porn is a waste of your time and energy. You need other things to develop. what do you want to do? Outdoors time? Art? Cooking? Sports? What’s your creation, your thing that you explore, as a person in the world.

All of us have something we bring to the world. But it doesn’t come by snapping our fingers. It comes by starting and working on it one day at a time. Keep it simple and focused and be gentle with yourself, give yourself rest when you need it, good food. Some days the only thing you do is get through the day sober. That’s it - and that’s a win.

Keep checking in here. Looking forward to hearing more!


I too struggle with this. I have also relapsed several times. This has been s much harder habit to break than drinking even was for me. Just keep trying. What Ive been trying to do is limit the time I am alone. Keep going one day at a time. Youve got this and you are not alone.

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I can regrettably and embarrassingly relate. But not so much porn. Masturbating happens more often without it. I wish I knew how to approach a group that helps with this. But I’m so ashamed. You’re not alone.


Warm welcome @Flowers04 there’s so many great threads here that will help you.


Thanks guys! I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on my journey, I ask you all to pls keep I touch. Knowing that there’s people like y’all out there has already helped me a lot. I’m looking forward to meeting you all more and more.


Most important… Make sure you’re not letting your self down. We will always be here to pick you up if you fall.

Have a great Night and Day tomorrow

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Thank you! I appreciate all the words of encouragement, I know this journey will be tough and it will be an uphill battle but I’m convinced that I will succeed. Especially when I have a community ready to help me! I wish you the same as well, thanks for your kind words mate.

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Anytime my friend

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For me there came a point where I felt I needed help beyond just counselling. (I had spoken about it with individual counsellors but I felt I needed a group.) I searched my city for sex addiction recovery, and I found a clinic that specialized in that, and they ran groups - and the rest is history :innocent:

(Edit: I’m still friends with the men I met in my first group. We do a weekly breakfast on Saturdays.)