I need help staying clean

I really badly want to get clean and stay clean but it’s so hard and I have a really hard time doing it. I use 30s and I can’t make it more than a couple days without getting high, this has Been going on for atleast 3 years now. I really have no support system I reached out to some friends in the program but they never seem to get back to me and I went to a bunch of meetings but I just hate going, everyone acts like they care but as soon as they leave that room they don’t give a shit anymore, I had a sponsor but he ignored me. So that’s why I hate meetings and don’t like going. I just really want to get clean can I get some advice from some people who do it without meetings? Also I’m prescribed suboxone I’ve been taking it everyday for a little over a year so I don’t really withdrawal but it doesn’t stop me from getting high.

Might want to look into going to rehab or detox. If you really want to get clean, you’re going to have to put in the effort. Do things that you need to do even when you don’t want to. Getting sober is not easy for anyone and we all have to work to get there. Own your truth.

Thanks, it’s still a struggle for me everyday just wish I could break out of my nasty cycle

look man am quitting heroin all by myself now and im on day 8 today … if you are on an opiate you need to take Naltrexone once you are off withdrawals … suboxone is ADDICTIVE … you have to give up feeling high … find joy in life somewhere else but you have to give up feeling high … that is the ONLY way

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One thing that has really helped me is watching documentaries on my addiction. I helps me realize that I’m not alone and what I am doing to my body. I also come on here frequently. The community support here helps tremendously as well. You can do it! We are here to support you.