I need Help

I am 53 year old Disabled Veteran and I need help because I am an Alcoholic. I quit drinking for 4.5 years from Feb. 2011- Sept. 2015… I fooled myself in believing that I could handle a few drinks per day… I was wrong, I can’t drink anything because I am an addict. I hope I can get the support to quit for good.


You have come to the right place. It is full of amazing support and wonderful people. I was going down the same exact road as you, thought I could have a few and nothing was wrong with it. I masked it for a long time until now. I know I can’t have just a few, I can’t have any at all. It’s a tough battle and don’t feel alone. Everyone here is fighting in their own unique ways and you will learn a lot that you would have never even thought of. We are all here with you to fight until the bitter end! Stay strong and stay focused, the future is a blank slate and the possibilities are endless!


I once fooled myself into thinking the same. You came to the right place :slight_smile: you are not alone in this. Anytime you feel lost, alone, or your craving a drink, or even just want to share that you’re doing well, come on this app and share. We would love to hear how you are doing.


Unfortunately addiction cares not about age, ability, or status, its affected us all. Being a disabled vet, I bet you’ve gone through a lot. Here, your not alone. No matter our background or history with our drug of choice, we are here to encourage and cheer each other on.

Welcome friend! (hug)


I am not a app type of person but was drawn to this site for some reason. Could it be an addiction? maybe but it causes no harm to anyone and has helped me


I as well have fooled myself into believing I could just “have a few on special occasions” but that soon turned into every weekend and then every day after work and then just every morning until I ended up in the hospital. You have our support here. Addiction doesn’t care if you are black, white, christian or muslim 18 yrs old or 95. We all have to fight this together and we have your back my friend :slight_smile: