I once asked my HP how do I win in a game that I didn't sign up for

Response…:ear: You don’t play Homegirl, you just don’t play… :neutral_face:

I was on Methamphetamine at the time and I’m certain it wasn’t Morgan Freeman and it didn’t sound like Jesus to me but whoever that was… 🤷

Was without a doubt correct… :100:

I recently had a very close friend of mine to sit at my table and try to convince myself and two other’s that Meth is ok to use recreationally and even said it helps with breathing… 🙅 I know this is not me craving some kind of substance because this actually happened y’all… :expressionless:

She’s on my mind tonight as I sit here alone thinking about how I could understand her saying that but I knew it was addiction trying to persuade her thinking… :broken_heart: That’s gonna be a friend that I’m gonna hate to lose if she doesn’t get help soon!!! Known this chick since 95… She used to be a pharmacy tech, that alone is scary for me to know… Really altered thoughts there on her part… I don’t think that we knew what to say… I just said I can’t do recreational anything… :pray:🙍

Trying real hard to focus on discovery me but it does still lingerrrrr… :cupid::expressionless:


I’ve let my mind linger in a place like that before too long and I know where it led me every time… Can’t and won’t do it again… It’s mentally debilitating… Just gotta let it knock the wind out of me and get back up… :100: