I only drink for the taste

I’ve been officially sober for 24.5 hrs. I know it’s no huge feet, but as I always say … one step at a time. I’m tired of drinking, just so tired. I never drank to get “drunk” I drank because I liked the taste of it. Usually white wine, soda with rum or whiskey; never did I do shots and I’m not a big beer drinker. Some evenings (even some days) I enjoyed the taste just way too much and ended up with a 72 hr hang over. I’m in my mid 40’s so hangovers last a little longer than they did while I was younger. I’m a stay at home puppy mom, so I could start drinking at 9:00 am if I wanted to; just as long as the chores were done when the hubby came home :blush: I drank out of boredom, I drank for energy, I drank for the hair of the dog. I’m tired of drinking and feeling like crap … so why the hell do I drink? Oh yeah, I like the taste (my excuse to drink bc I never wanted to admit I have a problem). I just joined this app today and I’m looking forward to receiving advice and hopefully giving some as well.


Heres something I noticed when I became sober, people who are not addicted to alcohol dont usually like the taste of it. Those that are, convince themselves that they do.
I was amazed when one day a friend of mine told me she was frusterated with her bf because he drinks too often and she didnt understand since it doesnt even taste good.
Later I asked my husband why he never finishes his beers and he told me its because he doesnt really like the taste.
Meanwhile Im thinking what! Its alcohol, are we drinking the same thing?? But seriously, it tastes like shit. 12 year old me knew that when I had my first sip. Apparently 25 yr old me had no idea until recently. Ive realized Im just lying to myself.
If you stop drinking soda for awhile and you try it again it just doesnt taste the same… its gross. Yet if you drink it again and again after that eventually you think it tastes great again.
Anyhow congrats on 1 day sober, If you need advice we are all here for you.


Thank you for the advice @Restlesssoul. Yeah, I don’t or have never drank liquor straight, I’m a mixer. So maybe my first thing I should do is through out all soda, since the only time I drink it is with liquor (which we still have it in the house because my husband isn’t about to quit … hopefully my strength will let him know that he can do it to). Again, thank you so much, your reply made a lot of sense!!! If we don’t like the taste, why are we drinking it!!!


@Miguel Well done on your first 17 hrs!! It does make you feel good seeing a number under the days. One step at a time and I do believe finally deciding to take the initial step is the hardest. I look forward to this forum and app. How are you feeling? I currently have a headache and I feel nauseous, but I’m sure it’s just part of the “stages.” Wish you lots of luck and I look forward to watching your journey … hopefully a very positive journey. :sunny:


Welcome, all you can do is one step at a time. 24 hours are the hardest. You have noticed you have a problem and you are moving forward. " The journey of a thousand miles, starts with one single step! " Keep you chin up. :two_hearts:I have 43 days, so I am still struggling also. Kara


Congratulation @Shiraicar on your 24 hours of sobrierty and welcome. You are in the right direction and u admit u have a problem . AND there u have Come a long way. Do not beat your self to hard , you have the power to choose, and see you have :slight_smile: here we are all friends because we share something in common. Be kind to your self .


Hey welcome! I just joined today as well. I woke up crazy hungover again and I’m just tired of it. I’ll say just one or even sneak to a bar and have a “quick beer or two” then go home with more and drink and do random chores and end up getting a lot done but not remembering where I put anything and the cycle goes over again. I never realized about the taste until I just realized I caught myself saying the same thing, I like the taste. Congratulations you got this and you’ve got many more hours to add <3 here if you need. I’ve only started today but looking forward to more and being more Inn the present moment. Namaste and cheers


If you like the taste, maybe get some non alcoholic wine. There are a couple that I hmbuy and it hits the spot for me!


Thanks for the words of encouragement @ZiggyStardust! I’m a housewife and I did my best cleaning/chores when I was intoxicated … I thought I was the only one who did that! Haha Yeah, that’s my problem, I just can’t have one! I wish I could be one of those “people.” Maybe someday … many many days from now. I would say here’s to day 2, but … :sunny:

Isn’t nonalcoholic wine just juice? Just like nonpot is a cig :sunny:️:blush:

Well I buy this stuff thats wine with the alcohol removed, it costs more than juice! It definitely tastes more winey than normal juice.

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