I only got 3 weeks last time

Last time I was here, I got to 3 weeks sober before I relapsed. It’s been a couple of really awful months. I really need to get sober :pray:


So did i want to get sober i went to a meeting and it worked maybe try one wish you well


Glad your back. I’ve had to hit the reset button before too so I understand. When it gets too hard to say no reach out on here. Think about WHY its to that point. You can do this :muscle:

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Don’t pick up,
simple as that, get to a meeting instead, online or other,.
I did a couple of 10 day stretches before this 5 months.
It was people from NA that rung me and supported me, and I got a sponsor because I could not be arsed to keep on doing the SAME thing,(:relapse relapse relapse relapse).
The different actions I took led me through on a different path, recover, recover,recover…recovery never ends, ,it doesn’t have the SAME ending as the spiral of using…:grinning:…I hope you find recovery :fist_right::fist_left: