I relapsed why me

Since I know few people here now that have the same problem as me let me tell you people why I started drinking love of my life left me when I was 24 we both were 18 when we find out she had brain cancer I started drinking the very same day I did everything to keep her happy I took care of my Tara my beautiful angel but she left me she never knew I drank til November 2008 only thing she said to me was stop suk and please move on suk I’m not gonna make it i cried for few days then on November 30 at 11:14 she left me and I still see her but I can’t touch her so now bottle is my everything if I don’t drink I can’t see my Tara I didn’t drink for a week I didn’t see her but I had her in my dreams don’t love nobody like I loved her because at end you’ll have a broken heart she left me she is my first and last too scared of love now.


Ann I do believe in the bible

Sorry to hear about your big loss @Borabora thank you for sharing. Be kind to yourself , belive you can do this .love yourself

Thank you @Cobaltchris

Thank you @jay1122 for your support means alot 3 days clean now. my birthday is today I was thinking about drinking but im not after reading your message I’m going for day 4 thank you once again.


Happy birthday @Borabora stay sober

Thank you @Cobaltchris

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Mr @jay1122 Im thinking about drinking again help

Try set your mind into something else, find something empowerring to do @Borabora. Convince yourself you need stay sober . Share your toughts buddy

Thank you sir it worked it’s 12:30am I just steps outside my house to get some cold air I had my phone off for 2 days.

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Thank you for being there for me means alot.

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You would do the same buddy . Its the way it works . You can do anything , we all can @Borabora put some music on and do a crasy dance .let your self go :slight_smile: get a litle wild. Or whatever you want. My actions and sayings are mine .im responsible for myself and if anybody thinks im crasy or od well their problem not mine . We all shall be Proud of to try stay sober/clean .thats our responsible . Have a Great Day, evening or night! I do care

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