I went from 55 days sober to zero. It really sucks. Not just the fact that I threw my sobriety out the window. But I have to go through the withdrawals all over again my body hurts. I don’t understand how I used to do this all the time. I’m just feeling really negative about all of it right now.
May I asked what triggered you’re relapse after so many days clean?
Its OK. It happens. U did more days than I ever did. And yes withdrawals suck especially the shakes. Just get some rest drink a lot of water and don’t beat urself up
I can’t count how many times I’ve relapsed.
My feelings did. My ex has a new girlfriend. & I felt really hurt. & so I started with alcohol and finished with cocaine. I really just feel horrible right now.
What are main triggers
I’m sorry. I totally understand.
@MissComplicated yes. Relationships and exes can be really tough triggers to swallow. Just don’t allow the actions of others to cause a relapse. Get back up and get those sober days back up!!! get some sleep!!!
I just feel really ashamed about it. I went to my NA meeting tonight still high. I feel like everybody knew. Like before using i was feeling heart broken. But now because i used, i feel ashamed, angry, sad, disappointed, embarrassed. I’m trying not to be too hard on myself. To see this as a growing experience for my recovery. But right now I’m only seeing the negative. I’m stuck in my head, and its not a good place to be at the moment…
I hear u. I used to go to AA intoxicated and left feeling like total crap because everybody was talking sobriety and there I was drunk. Its. OK it’s normal in recovery.
Thank you. that really helps.
Im sorry hun, relapsing hurts in so many ways. Our minds and hearts trick us into thinking we will feel better then our bodies remind us thats not true.
However, 50 days is a LONG time! That is an accomplishment not easily attained by many… I can’t remember when the last time I went beyond 7-9 days!
There have been stories that I’ve heard where people relapse after YEARS, no ones exempt. You did a great job and all any of us can do is learn from our mistakes and help others, then we don’t really loose anything, only gain and give.
Now you’re ready for when the real shit cakes hit the fan. Life throws it. Prepare yourself with an action plan that you execute under duress, which you were when you heard the news…you just reached for what you knew best.
Repeat your new plan to yourself “when I’m stressed about x then I do y”
Now you remember how bad it feels to be hungover. Just remember. Relish the stamina that it took to keep straight all that time. Applaud yourself for going to the meeting, so what if you were a bit high? You can’t go back anyway. Nobody knew and if they did it doesn’t matter. You know what habit you want to stick…the good one.
That is really good advice. Thank you!