I stopped drinking, My friends saying you can use Weed

What a great honest post :ok_hand:I’m go glad You’ve shared with us where you went wrong what happened and what your doing to change .you seem to have a good understanding of how amazing “TRUE SOBRIETY “can be :+1::+1::+1:I wish you strength and happiness for your future stay on our sober train mate odaat :heart:


Don’t listen to your friend, im sure they dont mean you harm but its bad advice.
Recovery is clean living, avoiding mind or mood altering substances. I always ask the question, if you want to use something that alters how you feel … it doesnt matter what that substance is the question is why do you want to feel different? Thats the real question.

Recovery isn’t simply about not using substances, recovery is a journey of self discovery. In understanding yourself, accepting yourself the good bad and indifferent you will truly begin to love yourself enough that you wont want to abuse your true self and escape how your feeling by using substances that cause harm.

Friends oppinions on the type of substance isnt helpful to you. Staying clean and sober must be your priority and if addiction has caused you enough problems in your life that your here and asking the questions…your friends should support you not encourage using other substances.


It’s really not harmless. I became paranoid while smoking all the time for years. I lost what I should cherish. Now it’s gone.
I tried to drink or smoke again when shit happened years ago, it made it even worse until suicidal ideas. Don’t think that being high wipe troubles away. It may, for a short time, then they all come back a lot stronger due to withdrawal. And it may not, it may make you feel even worse.
I may still feel like $π|√ but at least I know and remember why. Alcohol and THC were not escapes, they were the core of the problem
I wish you strength, it’s hard to quit, but it’s worth it.


Very well said.

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Same. Weed has done almost the same to me


Do not believe anyone who advertises weed, do not believe anyone who defends it. Its your mental health at stake and personally I never saw anyone who had a sincere weed smoking habit and didnt grow psychological issues.


I’m down with that, and I did make it through day 1 successfully.


:cowboy_hat_face: Choo-choo !

Woo woo :seat:…And you’ll make it through day 2 odaat :+1::heart:


Chuckled then giggled like a girl out loud (And I’m not a girl).

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Lmao you just made do it :joy::joy:

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Ah. Ye old marijuna maintenance program. LOL…

Get new friends.

As well as alcohol and other things, weed was a big problem for me. People say it’s not addictive but I’ve wasted years smoking it. Couldn’t go a day without it. Spent far too much money on it. Been a few weeks without it now and honestly say I feel so much better. It’s up to you but in my opinion don’t touch it

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