I want to quitt porn

I recover from porn any advices

@DungeonMaster this is your domain correct?


Yes it is im new

That’s my DOC, thanks!

@Mohammed_Khayro I’ve got the same struggle. There are a lot of threads on the forum dedicated specifically towards PMO Addiction. Theres a lot of advice to be gleaned from there. My first suggestion would be to limit device usage, get a support person, put up some filters on the devices you do have. Filters are a start, but not a solution. You really need to be doing self-reflection and/or counseling to root out the actual cause of the addiction. What in your life made you turn to Porn as an escape from reality?

Theres a start. Stick around. Read the threads. PM me anytime if you need advice or help.


All good suggestions. Like @DungeonMaster said, you really need to identify what you are escaping from. Also identify triggers and how to deal with them in healthier ways. Easier said than done but know that you are not alone and you can come here for advice and help.